
Help parents of seven cover massive medical costs for 11-year-old daughter on life support – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — The parents of seven children need your help to defray the massive medical costs of keeping their 11-year-old-daughter on life support after she suffered a heart attack and slipped into a coma.

Mariana was rushed to the emergency room earlier this year after her parents, Chris and Jodi, found she had become unconscious and stopped breathing. They soon learned she had suffered a heart attack and brain swelling, and that she has Type 1 diabetes.

The doctors thought Mariana was brain dead, but within days, she began to try to breathe on her own, and then showed signs of motor control — moving her feet, opening her eyes, and even kicking up a leg upon command by her doctor.

Help cover Mariana’s life support costs

Mariana is now hanging on with the help of an endotracheal and is being fed with a NG-tube. She has made great progress, having been weaned off her heart medication, and taken off dialysis. Jodi shared with LifeSiteNews how these victories have also come with struggles to help keep their daughter alive amid a doctor’s effort to declare Mariana brain-dead.

This could have happened after Mariana failed a first apnea test, according to Jodi. But then she passed her second apnea test, only to have one doctor request that it be performed yet another time.

“We had to fight on that,” shared Jodi, adding that their extended family fought a legal battle for them in order to refrain from having a third apnea test performed on Mariana. To their relief, they have won this fight in court.

“The first six weeks were so intense,” said Jodi, highlighting the stressful burden of having to fight for her daughter continually during that period as more tests were proposed to determine her brain activity.

Now, Mariana’s family is fundraising to help pay the massive medical costs that her parents are incurring to keep their daughter alive as they pray for her recovery. These costs run “anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 a day,” according to Jodi, who added that her daughter has been in the hospital since May 17. Some of the expenses are covered by insurance, but there are extra costs her parents must pay for out of pocket.

Jodi explained how she is at the hospital most of the time while her husband does much at home after he gets back from work for the rest of the children. They can sometimes “switch out” on the weekends.

“It’s been a big change. It’s hard to adjust,” Jodi noted. 

Asked what Mariana is like, Jodi shared, “She’s a girly-girl. She’s fun and energetic and loves to talk, and loves girly stuff: makeup, jewelry, dresses. She gets along with everyone.”

Jodi is asking for prayers for Mariana’s recovery, and if feasible, help with her medical expenses. 

Help cover Mariana’s life support costs

All donors will be remembered in daily prayers.

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