
Jan. 6 Defendant Asks for Prayers before Trial

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Isaac Thomas, a Jan. 6 defendant who appeared at one of IFA’s policy and prayer events, is asking for prayer before his pretrial in October.

From The Gateway Pundit. The Gateway Pundit has shared the heartbreaking story of what has been done to J6er Isaac Thomas.

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Isaac was orphaned at the age of 6 and endured years of abuse and neglect as a child— trafficked through various placements while in the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services. Thomas emancipated himself at 16 and got involved in political activism.

Isaac, who was only 18 at the time of January 6, was inspired to speak out for other victims of the failed foster care system when he went to the Capitol along with thousands of other Americans to peacefully protest and make their muffled voices heard. …

On October 3, Isaac will be in Washington, D.C., for an in-person pretrial hearing. …

The jury trial is scheduled to begin on December 6th. …

Isaac has also shared that he is no longer with Condemned USA and has a new legal fund here.

Isaac asks for special prayers specifically for the jury notices and that they will be sent to the right people saying, “Even if we get one christian on the jury I would have a chance.”

Share your prayers and scriptures for Isaac Thomas and others like him below.

(Excerpt from The Gateway Pundit. Photo Credit: Intercessors for America)

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