
6 Things Christians Get Wrong about Tithing

6. “If I Tithe, God Will Bless Me”

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Most of us have heard it – that sermon or lesson that tells us that if we tithe regularly, we will receive blessings. Those who teach this base the principle on Malachi 3:10, which reads, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the LORD Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” Sometimes the pastor or teacher will go as far as to say we will receive abundant material riches if we tithe.

To use the verse in this way, though, is to ignore the context of God speaking to Israel as His chosen people and nation. Under the covenant promises, the Lord would bless the nation if they kept His laws and decrees, which included abundant harvests and renown among the nations (Deuteronomy 28:1-14). Similarly, if they disobeyed Him, then He would bring punishment (Deuteronomy 28:15-68). We need to remember that the promise of blessings in Malachi was unique to Israel.

Christians today can be blessed by giving, but in different ways. We are not promised material wealth or an abundant harvest. The blessings we receive look more like spiritual growth, increased trust in God, the joy of using our resources to help others, and storing treasures for ourselves in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21). However, we are wrong to approach giving as a way to receive something from the Lord. To give with the intention of getting more in return misses the spirit and heart behind biblical giving. As Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

We give to the Lord to honor and give thanks to Him. Everything we have in life is from Him, including salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9), a new life (Ephesians 2:4-5), and the ability to work to provide food, shelter, and clothing for ourselves and others (James 1:17). What we offer to Him comes from what He has graciously given.

Instead of seeking to use tithing as a way to get something from God or to increase our bank accounts, we should give joyously and freely from the heart. We have already been given so much when the Father gave His one and only Son to save us from sin (John 3:16). Because of Him, we are now the redeemed children of God. How could we not willingly open our hands and give as an expression of our gratitude and love?

What do you think? Is tithing a command for every Christian? Weigh in and join the conversation on Crosswalk Forums!

Related Resource: Extravagance, Stewardship, and a Heart that Blesses God

Money can be a spiritually confusing topic for many people. That may be why The Bible has included more verses on money than it does on prayer. Join us on The Encouragement for You Podcast as we talk about extravagance and stewardship!

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/BassittART

Sophia Bricker is a writer. Her mission is to help others grow in their relationship with Jesus through thoughtful articles, devotionals, and stories. She completed a BA and MA in Christian ministry, which included extensive study of the Bible and theology, and an MFA in creative writing. You can follow her blog about her story, faith, and creativity at The Cross, a Pen, and a Page.

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