
Calling All Intercessors! Global Prayer Call TOMORROW! – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Intercessor, are you praying for the election this November? Did you know that believers from around the globe are praying too and will gather today to pray for three hours tomorrow, and for the next three weeks afterward? What an encouragement!

Have you taken your place on the wall?

During a special three-week initiative that will begin this Sunday, September 22, with a three-hour Global Day of Prayer, we hope to connect millions of the Lord’s people from around the globe to pray together at this crucial time in world history. This initiative is being called “Breakthrough Prayer in the Battle for America and Our World.” As one theologian put it, “History belongs to the intercessors, who believe the future into being!” How we need to see God’s breakthroughs in this time of existential threats to the future of all our nations! As E.M. Bounds put it: “Prayer can do anything that God can do!”

It is time to come together and seek His face for the deliverance and destiny of America and our world. America is currently under real threat of subversion by enemies both foreign and domestic, especially the globalist/communist movement, dominated by China’s communist party and Islamic radicals led by Iran, both now increasingly represented here by unchecked illegal immigration. If the USA falls under Marxist control in the coming election, the rest of the world will also be horribly impacted by such tyrannical forces. We need to utilize the nation/world-transforming resource of united, authoritative prayer, joining with fellow Jesus followers everywhere. Let’s push back on the evil one’s intentions to subjugate America and the global Body of Christ to his antichrist agenda. Please join us as you are able for the following parts of this initiative:

  1. September 22, the three-hour Global Day of Prayer zoom call will include international prayer leaders joining in from around the world. Click here for the time and link for you to connect for such an awesome time of global agreement for His breakthroughs! Please join in and urge others to do so as well.
  2. September 22-October 12, 21 Days of focused intercession with full or partial fasting encouraged and using the 21 Days Prayer Guide to unite us in Matthew 18:19 agreement in what we are asking of the Father.
  3. This process of united, global intercession will conclude on-site in Washington, D.C., with both the National Prayer Assembly, October 10-11 and the Million Women gathering, which is being held on October 12, the Day of Atonement. It will be a massive and glorious calling out to God, who has promised to hear, forgive, and heal our land when His people come together in desperation for His deliverance (2 Chron. 7:14). There is still room for you to register for these two history-shaping events. If you would like to take part, please register ASAP for both the NPA and the Million Women gathering by clicking the links. If you want to come from overseas, you are also warmly welcomed.
    Please note that the venue for the National Prayer Assembly, Oct. 10-11, has been changed and will now be held at the beautiful National Housing Center, 1201 15th Street NW in Washington, D.C. Information on hotel accommodations can be found at your favorite travel websites.

We hope you can join your heart to ours for this unprecedented coming together of His praying people so that we may see His breakthroughs happen in America and around the world. This inspiring song “As One We Stand” by Terry and Barbi Franklin, including an aerial tour of America, has in some ways become the theme of the National Prayer Assembly. It describes how the Lord wants to connect us all for the powerful things He wants us to pray and do together for the revival and restoration of America, the same also applying to all nations.

Will You be praying alongside millions over the next few weeks? Share this article to help mobilize prayer for America!

(Photo Credit: Pedro Lima on Unsplash)

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