
Look to Autumn for God’s Blessings – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 5 minutes

As I ventured outside one early morning, I was met with a refreshing gust of cool, crisp air as I descended my porch steps. “Ahhh,” I thought, “Fall is surely coming.” Suddenly, I was transported back in time to just a few months prior.

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As I recall, it was either late June or early July when this incident took place. I strolled towards my mailbox, soaking in the warm summer air. Suddenly, a flash of color caught my attention, causing me to look down in curiosity. To my bewilderment, I discovered an enormous, vibrant fall leaf lying before me. Its size was remarkable, especially considering it was the middle of summer – after all, one wouldn’t expect to find fall foliage during summer. It was also the brightest orange and yellow I have ever seen.

A feeling of peace enveloped me as I bent down to retrieve the fallen leaf. The Lord whispered to me, “Keep an eye out for My blessings in the Autumn. “Once that time comes, you will notice them starting to emerge.” I carefully brought the delicate leaf back to my home and gently placed it on the front of my fridge. It has been a constant reminder of the word of the Lord from that day.

I realize what I am about to share may not seem to fit with what I just shared, but stay with me, and it will all come together.

A week later, I had a dream. In my dream, I received a call that harvest was ready. It was time for me to pick the harvest up and store it away for winter. I am not sure what harvest it was; I put up many different things for winter.

I began the drive to get my harvest. It was a long, windy road, and it was dark outside. I pulled into a church parking lot to set my GPS for directions. I heard a noise as I sat there, so I rolled my window down to listen. It was the sound of water. I looked across the road and saw a small creek or perhaps a stream. The sound I heard could not have been from that stream; it was too loud and fast-moving. It sounded like mighty, rushing water, not a gently moving stream.

I continued to listen. Suddenly, I could hear sounds like floodgates opening and water rushing forth. It was not a small amount of water but more like a massive amount of water in the distance. Suddenly, I heard a loud ‘whoosh,’ and a tremendous amount of water began to flow as if breaking through a barrier.

I woke up.

That day, I began to seek God about the dream. After much contemplation and prayer, I believe my dream carries significant meaning and potentially multiple vital messages.

First, it occurred at harvest time, in the fall of the year.

Second, we must go after the harvest. This requires effort on our part.

Third, the road was long, windy, and dark, which speaks to our current season.

Fourth, I went to the church for directions. We must find our direction in God and His Word for this season and the coming harvest time. It’s vital to abide in Him and wait on Him for direction.

Finally, the floodgates opened while I was in the church parking lot. In our time spent with God, His Word, and His presence, we not only find direction, but those times will also cause the floodgates to open and pour out His blessings (our harvest).

Throughout the pandemic, numerous individuals found solace in attending church services from the comfort of their homes. Although I am grateful for the opportunity to engage with the preaching of the Word regularly, I believe it is now imperative to come together with fellow believers in person.

The Bible frequently emphasizes the strength of unity, stating that “two are better than one.” It highlights the power of agreement and the truth that we are stronger together. If you find yourself observing church services from a distance, I encourage you to consider returning to your local church and uniting with fellow believers to declare the promises of God through prayer and worship collectively.

It’s time to return to becoming a strong, fortified church. A church that the gates of hell cannot prevail against. We do that better when we meet regularly. Timing is essential to God, and I believe we are entering a new season. With every fiber of my being, I believe the early fall leaf and the dream are God speaking to you and me about this particular time.

I believe we are going to see the coming harvest! Blessings! The floodgates open and pour out the goodness of God in the land of the living. Those who have remained in God and His unfailing Word, who continued to trust His faithfulness, and have sought Him for direction, are about to see His hand at work in their lives.

Everywhere I turn these past few days, I hear the same thing! It’s time to see what we have been praying for. Our harvest is ripe and ready! Even while I hear this, the current climate looks much the opposite. It appears things are getting darker and darker, more chaotic. More violent. But isn’t that the way it often is with God?

It looked like the children of Israel would be destroyed at the Red Sea – but they weren’t. It appeared Abraham would never have a child – but he did. It looked like the end for Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego – but it wasn’t. In the history of the Bible, things often looked dire just before a breakthrough came. God has a way of changing things in a day – in a moment in time. He is the same God today. He will do it again.

But…we have a part to play. We must GO AFTER THE HARVEST, and we do that by first seeking direction from God and His Word and pressing into that Word through prayer. The floodgates are going to open. The only question is, will you be a part of the tsunami of blessings?

Friends, let’s celebrate! God is speaking to us. Despite our challenges, we can look forward to emerging from this difficult and uncertain season with tremendous rewards. Stay strong and remain faithful as we trust God for guidance and keep pushing forward. May an overwhelming wave of blessings come our way in this autumn season – abundant blessings for you and me!

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Kim Potter is the author of Deeper Still, a 90-day devotional on a deeper relationship with God. She is also the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine, and on Spirit Fuel and Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the hearts of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, to impart hope. To order her new book or receive her daily encouraging writings, visit her website at, or Books Archives – A New Thing Ministries. Photo Credit: Lukasz Szmigiel on Unsplash.

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