The Scars of Hope

Every morning we awake, God gives us just enough mercies to handle today, just enough pain to not overwhelm us, …

Boldness for the Gospel

First, we must attend to the ordinary means of grace (Word, sacraments, prayer). Our understanding of the love of God …

5 Things You Should Know about Being a Parent

Each day, as you live with your children, you are presenting a view of reality. You are showing them that …

The Story They Longed to Understand

Peter tells us these mighty and terrifying beings were extremely curious about one thing: how and in what time the …

Review: Knowing the Spirit

Hinn’s discussion of “Spirit-filled worship” (Chapter 6) was my favourite part. Denouncing charismatic razzmatazz on one hand and hidebound conservatism …

Can These Bones Live?

Ezekiel was called to prophesy and to preach, but God was the One who brought dead sinners to life by …

The Hardest Thing You’ve Ever Done

Why would something that sounds so freeing be crushing? Well, let’s say your whole identity is built on what you …

May I Share the Gospel With You?

None of our good works could save us from the wrath to come. God will read from books containing all …