
Your Children are Suffering | Todd Abraham – Blue Ridge Christian News

Your Children are Suffering

By Todd Abraham

Athens, TennesseeTodd Abraham heartbeat Christian news

I was recently at a restaurant in Madisonville, TN sitting in a booth behind a mother and her daughter who looked to be about 10. The longer I sat there, the more furious I became. Because the mother spent probably 95% of her time on her stupid smartphone and left her daughter there to suffer for it. It took every ounce of restraint for me not to be very blunt and rebuke her for it. This is not an uncommon occurrence by any means. You see it everywhere you go and it’s heartbreaking.

Mothers neglect their babies to spend time on those useless little idols called smartphones. Parents shove it into the hands of their toddlers so they won’t have to be bothered by them. Are moms and dads ignoring their pre-teen children to do what? What is more important about that dumb phone than the children God gave you? The children He expects you to nurture and teach and train them up in His ways. And, God forbid, the ire that rises in me when I see any child under the age of 18 owning a smartphone; especially if they are middle school or younger! You might think it’s none of my business and you are right. But it is God’s business if you claim to be a Christian parent and God made it my business when He ordained me to write this article and publish this Christian newspaper. What ought to scare you if you are a Christian parent guilty of any of these wrongs is that you are heaping the wrath of God on yourself. Because, in case you forgot, those children you have are a gift of God and they belong to Him. You are under strict commandments to teach them His ways and correct them according to His standards until the time they become an adult.

Don’t shoot the messenger friend. I am only writing what God puts on my heart to warn you for your own good. As I have said before, you should be thankful there is at least one preacher on this planet with the agape love to warn you of your transgressions the right way. Not for personal gain or notoriety but because I fear God more than man. Christians are supposed to be different from worldly people. If there is no difference between your lifestyle and language from worldly people and you claim to be a Christian, there is a woe on you! Especially if you are also a self-proclaimed Christian parent. As the title of the feature article in this issue explains, God is not winking anymore. Judgment is coming and it begins at the house of God. 1 Peter 4:17 “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?”

I’m a Christian parent myself but my son is 22 now. But when he was a minor living with me, he did not have a smartphone. Again, I am appalled at how many Christians want to be like the world these days! Filthy-mouthed like the world, dress like the world (meaning total lack of modesty), go all the places rank sinners go and still claim to be Christians! It only shows me they have no fear of God at all, whatsoever. If any part of this article describes you, you better repent and seek God with all of your might for Him to show you the strait and narrow way that leadeth unto righteousness and life. And remember this exhortation is from Him, not me!


Todd Abraham is an evangelist of the gospel of Jesus Christ and publisher of Heartbeat Christian News which has been in publication for 9 years now by the grace of God. You can read all about it at


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