What Did Paul Mean by “New Creation”?

Written by Thomas R. Schreiner | Tuesday, September 24, 2024 The crucifixion of Paul and all believers to the world …

How to Plan Wickedly Well

One way God guards us against arrogance is to remind us of our mistiness. Everything that feels so big, important, …

A Proof for God’s Existence

Some may not be used to thinking of God as an unmoved mover.  Yet is not the first cause of …

Already But Not Yet

From 10/21-7/22, our now 43-year-old son Jordan went through great adversities. He responded to ongoing wicked trauma on many fronts …

Imbedded Deceit in Florida Amendment 4

Doesn’t a woman have the right to choose what happens to her body? Yes, to an extent. But none of …

Curriculum Battle in Texas

Richard Land, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, said it well, “You should never …

Did the Angels Laugh?

The Father had said that his holy one would not see corruption and the Son had said they would all …

The Question of Conscience

Written by R.C. Sproul | Tuesday, September 24, 2024 Even within the Christian community, there are wide differences of opinion …