
Jordan Peterson: ‘I would vote for Trump’ as part of ‘revolutionary’ coalition with Elon Musk, RFK Jr. – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — If he was an American citizen, Dr. Jordan Peterson said he would vote for President Donald Trump in November due to his past performance in office, the “hyper-powerful people” he has gathered around him, and the “grace under pressure” he has exhibited even within the context of two assassination attempts.

The best-selling Canadian author and clinical psychologist was speaking to British TV host Piers Morgan in a wide-ranging interview last Thursday.

“If I could vote in the American election, I would vote for Trump,” he said. “I don’t trust (VP Kamala) Harris.”

“The best predictor of someone’s future behavior is their past behavior,” Peterson explained. “If you’re trying to hire someone and you have documented history of their efforts in precisely the domain that you’re attempting to hire for, and the evidence is clear and valid, you use that in favor of all other predictive markers.”

And with Trump, “we have a documented track record” that includes “decent economic performance” for the nation during his previous term and a “markedly stable international situation” that included “no wars.”

In contrast, the public philosopher observed that under the Biden-Harris administration “we have this terrible, brutal, and I think unnecessary war going on between Russia and Ukraine, which could spiral out of control at any moment, and is highly likely to.”

READ: ‘Monumental provocation’: How US and international policy-makers deliberately baited Putin to war

Since at least May 2023, Trump has promised to end the war in Ukraine within “24 hours” of his potential second inauguration in January. And despite his apparent full embrace of the Zionist agenda, the former president has provided several indications that if elected in November he may bring an end to the genocidal onslaught Israel is currently inflicting upon the Palestinian people.

In late April, the presumed Republican nominee also would not rule out withholding U.S. military aid from Israel in an interview with Time Magazine. After criticizing their “public relations,” particularly the Israeli Army “sending out pictures every night of buildings falling down and being bombed with possibly people (inside),” he was asked whether he would rule out withholding aid, to which he said, “No.”

READ: Trump: Israel is ‘losing a lot of the world’ and also fueling antisemitism due to Gaza war

Additionally, in early June, President Trump appeared to inadvertently make a significant campaign commitment in telling former UFC lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov he would end the war in Palestine.

While attending an Ultimate Fighting Championship event in Newark, New Jersey, Nurmagomedov was heard privately saying to Trump, “I know you will stop the war in Palestine,” to which the 45th president responded, “We will stop it. I will stop the war,” with a video clip of the encounter going viral on Twitter/X.

READ: Trump says Israel must ‘finish the job’ in Gaza, makes false charge regarding October 7 ‘deniers’

Secondly, Peterson highlighted what he saw as a very positive development with the former president pulling in “a lot of hyper-powerful people” such as business mogul Elon Musk, former Democrat congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., “most of whom would have been Democrats in anything approximating a sane and normal world.”

For the psychologist, this indicates that the otherwise “flamboyant and dominating” Trump does not “tilt too far in the narcissistic direction” otherwise he would not be making these alliances and sharing “the spotlight with the rest of this crew.”

Furthermore, “I would vote for Trump if for no other reason than Musk himself has already agreed to head something like a Department of Governmental Efficiency in the U.S.,” Peterson continued. “Then Kennedy is bringing the public health crisis into the political realm, and both of those two things are revolutionary.”

READ: RFK Jr. delivers epic takedown of the Democratic Party and the media in press conference

The former professor also doesn’t believe Trump is pursuing a second term out of ambition since he is “an old man,” has already been president and “he’s as famous as you can get.” His motives are therefore focused on the betterment of the United States, “and that’s part of why he’s building this coalition.”

Morgan went on to comment on Trump’s “genuine personal courage” that he has exhibited within the context of the two recent assassination attempts. Trump’s insistence on getting back up after being injured by the first attempt, “to punch the air defiantly was a remarkable thing to do.” And “more remarkable” was his “being back on stage” just one week later “at another rally with an even bigger crowd, like nothing had happened.”

With regard to the second incident, Morgan marveled that Trump was cracking jokes after this attempt on his life, quipping, “I wish I could have finished my birdie putt.”

“Yes, grace under pressure” is a virtue Trump possesses, agreed Peterson, who went on to assess the quality of the former president’s humor.

“You know, Hitler wasn’t well known for his sense of humor,” he continued. And “you can’t deny this, Trump is a funny bastard. He’s funny.” This includes on social media where he is “impulsive, entertaining, unbelievably cutting and funny.”

“You know, that just doesn’t go well with the tyrannical personality,” the psychologist assessed, “because tyrants aren’t well known for being able to tolerate the court jester.”

“And so, Trump is tough and funny,” he summarized.

Addressing Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris, Peterson applied the same principle, “that previous performance is the best indicator of future performance.”

READ: Kamala Harris is pushing the most extreme abortion agenda in US history

“We’ve already seen what a Biden administration looks like,” and the “foreign policy has been a complete bloody world-ending disaster under the Democrats,” he said in relation to conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

“The easiest thing to predict is another four years of the same thing,” he concluded.


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