Take Your Doubts about God to God

When Jeremiah doubted, he did not try to solve his problems on his own. Instead, he committed his cause to …

The Best Encouragement You Can Give

Let’s be those who give the word, not some cheap alternative. People need real encouragement, they don’t need self help …

They Progressed From Us…

We do wish the church could completely break free of the seeming barrier of race. We can personally attest that …

Seven Principles for Civil Engagement

As we listen and converse with others, we must consider Christ’s ministry and example of humility. He counted others more …

The Restored Fortune

Remember that repentance is not merely a legal necessity but a gift accompanying the true Gospel to all who believe. …

Timeless Strategies for Modern Missions

Paul’s practice of maintaining strong connections with supporting churches provides a model for modern mission partnerships. Regular communication, periodic visits, …