
IBTS Amsterdam Welcomes New Leadership, Enters Partnership with Good Faith Media

Enoh Seba

The International Baptist Theological Study Centre (IBTS) in Amsterdam began a new season by welcoming Dr. Enoh Šeba as its director on October 1, 2024. Šeba succeeds Dr. Mike Pears, who had held the position since 2018.

In addition, IBTS and Good Faith Media (GFM) have entered a strategic partnership to help advance each institution’s mission.

With its vast European network and worldwide learning community, IBTS will provide writers and content creators for GFM’s online and print publications. These students, professors and alumni will share stories of global relevance with on-the-ground, local context that only those in close proximity can provide.

IBTS began in Switzerland after World War II and moved to Prague, Czech Republic, in the 1990s. In 2014, the institution settled in Amsterdam, the location of the first Baptist church in the world. It is part of the Baptist House, which hosts the Baptist Union of the Netherlands, the Dutch Baptist Seminary, and the European Baptist Federation offices.

According to Šeba, “IBTS is a distinctly international community with a global outreach.” Although at least 30 separate countries are currently represented by the staff and students, he added that their international identity exists “because we believe that learning with people from other cultures and backgrounds enables us to see realities that are otherwise impossible to see.”

IBTS connects research and practitioners “because if research is to be relevant in the wider society, it must be in touch with the actual practice of the church,” Šeba said.

IBTS offers a Ph.D. program in collaboration with Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. Šeba noted that the “distinctive feature of our academic approach is that we seek to do theology in a ‘baptistic way’—one that is embedded in various Baptist and Anabaptist traditions.”

Doctoral students at IBTS study and conduct research virtually and attend an annual research colloquium in Amsterdam every January. In addition to the doctoral program, IBTS offers its Learning Network, designed for small-group, conversational theological education.

Regarding the Learning Network, Šeba said: “It is a more flexible alternative to traditional academic study and offers some exciting and inspiring themes such as Eco-Crisis and the Gospel, Missional Leadership, Standing Against Domestic Violence, Freedom of Religion or Belief, or Learning-Centered Formation. Each of these themes is offered through a variety of learning opportunities: online courses, webinars or residential conferences.”

Šeba is excited about the opportunities the role of IBTS Director opens up to him, particularly in light of the rapidly changing landscape of theological education. “Gone,” he said, “are the days when those who wished to study theology had to overcome many physical, geographical and political obstacles.” However, he adds, the “ abundance of resources often demotivates potential students. “

He explained that, despite all the changes, “theological education is more important today than ever. We may need to rethink how it is done, its forms and programs, and the expected contributions of teachers and students. However, theological education remains essential if God’s people are to be faithful witnesses in this world.”

Regarding the IBTS partnership with Good Faith Media, Šeba believes that GFM “can help IBTS gain greater visibility among North American audiences, inform potential applicants about the scope and content of learning opportunities, and increase their awareness of IBTS’s academic capabilities.”

Good Faith Media’s CEO Mitch Randall released the following statement regarding the partnership: “Good Faith Media is incredibly honored to partner with IBTS, a leading theological training institution for thousands of Baptists worldwide.  Access to their students and alumni network will be advantageous as GFM audiences will read first-hand accounts addressing issues across Europe and the Middle East. IBTS’s Director, Rev. Dr. Enoh Šeba, and his team have been wonderful to work alongside as we’ve developed this new and exciting partnership.”

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