
No Fear: Defeating the Woke Church – Charisma News

The world has sent a plain and clear message to the church today. When I say the world, I mean the systems of the world that belong to the devil. That is spiritual warfare on a whole new scale. We have left it untouched, and now we have created a monster. That monster is telling the church, “Be silent and step down. Now we have become the woke church.”

This “woke” church has come into agreement with the devil and his demonic systems of the world. Because the world has removed God from of the equation, this is what they do now. When they can’t fix something, they legalize it and make it the norm. But making something legal here on the earth doesn’t make it legal in heaven.

We are living in a place where no one is discussing this kind of spiritual warfare. We have no problem talking about demons in the church. We easily talk about Jezebel, marine spirits, python spirits and husband spirits, and we identify with those demons and that platform. But there is one specific spirit that has the world running toward the edge of the cliff.

I have made the choice to be brave enough and tough enough to run the opposite way and expose what needs to be exposed. Call me crazy. Call me mad. I can live with that because I’ve learned in my walk with the Lord that I don’t live by the opinions of people; I live by the truth of God. The elephant is the demonic systems of the world. The ostrich is the woke church with its head in the sand, hoping the elephant will leave the room—but no one is pushing him out.

We have allowed these demonic false identities and principalities to run our nation, our country and our world. What amazes me is how we are so in love with religion. We have allowed the Vatican and the Pope and demonic systems in Catholicism to run the show and open Christianity to demons.

In this day and age when truth is called insanity, who will address the elephant in the room? When you address the demonic, it’s called spiritual warfare. Who did it better than Jesus when He addressed the leaders of His day, the demonic of His day, the contradictions of His day and the conflicts of His day? He alone confronted them head-on with love and with truth.

Think about this powerful quote: “When the whole world is running toward a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.” That would be me, and I’m OK with that because the world is running toward the edge of the cliff, and someone must save them.

I say this with a heavy heart. I remember 9/11 in New York City. From the rooftop of the building I lived in I could see the smoke from the burning towers. How many thousands of people ran out of those buildings as they had never run before in their whole lives? I praise God for the many who made it out. But here’s the thing: While many wonderful people were running out of the buildings to save their lives, firefighters were running in, knowing they would lose their lives. I have always been perplexed by that because when danger shows up, our human instinct is to run away from, not toward, the danger.

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That will be my story. I’m going to run in the opposite direction, away from the cliff. I’m going to sound the alarm and the trumpets by exposing the demonic systems of the world that have run unchecked for as long as I can remember.

Order your copy of John Ramirez’s new book, “Exposing the Devil’s Playbook,” at

I have been saved for 25 years. When I was in the devil’s kingdom my job, my assignment and my mission was to astral project to curse the regions and reinforce them with demonic witchcraft. So I can say I know a little bit about what’s going on.


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