
This is THE most important issue of the 2024 election – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — LifeSiteNews’ main goal in an election year is to provide YOU with up-to-date and accurate information on the presidential candidates’ positions on abortion.

And I’m afraid this election is not looking good.

Throughout his presidency, President Joe Biden has called for Congress to codify a federal “right to abortion” and specifically endorsed the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” which would dramatically restrict states’ ability to pass all manner of anti-abortion laws.

Kamala Harris has declared she will take up this fight if she is elected president in November.

Although Donald Trump has been slamming Democrats for promoting and defending late-term abortions, he’s also been slamming state laws restricting abortion to six weeks, complaining that Florida’s six-week abortion ban is “too short.”

We are betrayed on all sides.

In the face of this betrayal, what are we to do?

That is where LifeSiteNews comes in.

LifeSiteNews is on the forefront of keeping the world informed about threats to life, faith, family and freedom.

We are at the forefront of covering elections and other major political events from a faithfully Catholic and resolutely anti-abortion perspective.

If we cannot continue, unborn babies will die.

But I recently spoke to our director of development – who told me that LifeSiteNews’ donations have been starting to trend downwards in 2024.

We urgently need to meet our fundraising goal by Thursday, October 3 in order to keep bringing the TRUTH and FACTS to people worldwide.

So I need to call on your help today, to support this URGENT appeal.

It is one of my privileges as editor-in-chief to write to you every quarter to ask for the funds we need to continue our work.

It is a privilege because I know how many of you want to give your all to the fight for Christ and His Truth. It is a privilege because I know you make difficult sacrifices to keep the truth online.

Your gifts move me deeply because they show how much love of God and neighbor still exists in the world, despite the weight of the evil all around us.

Satan wants us isolated and alone, so that he can pick us off more easily. But at LifeSiteNews he finds millions of Christ’s servants united together in defense of life, faith, family, and freedom.

Because of your generosity babies are being saved who would otherwise have been killed, freedoms are being protected which would otherwise have been lost, and most importantly, souls are returning to the loving embrace of their Savior, Jesus Christ.

There is good taking place only because of your support for LifeSiteNews.

If want to donate by text – U.S. residents only – text LIFESITE to 50155, and instructions will take it from there. Otherwise, you can go to and donate there.

We cannot do everything, but we are doing something.

We are saving precious babies who would otherwise be lost.

We are the bringing the Gospel to souls who would otherwise be damned.

We are waking up warriors for freedom, in every nation of the earth.

Donations in the order of $35 or $50 or $100 or $150 or $500 make up the bulk of LifeSiteNews’ funding.

Without these essential gifts we could not go about our day-to-day business of reporting the news, providing LIFE-SAVING ELECTION INFORMATION and defending life from conception to natural death.

If LifeSiteNews cannot operate, there will be NOTHING holding back the political wing of the Abortion Empire from pushing their satanic anti-sacrament.

Larger donations of $1,000 or $2,500 or $5,000 or more will have a critical impact, as the demand for more staff time and even additional personnel must also be considered.

That’s why I would urge you to consider whether you can help LifeSiteNews continue our fight for LIFE, FAITH, FAMILY and FREEDOM. 

The funds are needed urgently by Thursday, October 3 – that’s the deadline for this fall campaign to close.

Please don’t delay – donate today, if you can!

And remember – CHRIST IS KING!

The abortion “doctors” know full well that Christ, the true “divine physician,” is the ultimate threat to their evil Abortion Empire.

You know your opponents are frightened when they start calling you fascists.

So one last time, can I call on your help today to support this campaign’s URGENT appeal, to help us keep these abortion fanatics on the run?

For LifeSiteNews, this is John-Henry Westen. Thank you, and God bless you.

The John-Henry Westen Show is available by video on the show’s YouTube channel and right here on my LifeSite blog.

It is also available in audio format on platforms such as Spotify, Soundcloud, and Acast. We are awaiting approval for iTunes and Google Play as well. To subscribe to the audio version on various channels, visit the Acast webpage here.

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