
Transgender fever will eventually break: here’s why – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A recent exchange on X perfectly highlighted the growing impatience many people have for the demands of transgender activists.

“Trans women are not men. Why don’t you understand this basic truth about us?” a trans-identifying person demanded. J.K. Rowling responded with devastating succinctness: “Maybe because the only prerequisite for being a trans woman is being a man.” Her takedown has accrued over 11,000 reposts and 104,000 likes. People are getting fed up. 

One reason for this is that as the debate on gender ideology begins to finally break through the cone of silence imposed by the LGBT movement and their media allies (assisted by the collaboration or cowardice of the politicians), the sheer ridiculousness and implausibility of many trans activists’ claims become impossible to ignore. Consider this video that went viral on X recently.

Viewer discretion advised:

No normal person—and I mean nobody—thinks that dude is actually a woman. In fact, besides the dress, he’s scarcely trying. He’s a cross-dresser putting in the bare minimum effort required to head into the women’s changing rooms. He doesn’t even try to hide this. “I’ll always get misgendered, but it pays off,” he advises others on the recorded Zoom call. “Open up the shower door and it’s just t*ts and *ss hanging around.” Then, without irony, he instructs another cross-dresser: “But you can’t be drooling.” 

Trans activists—and this very much includes folks like Justin Trudeau, Kamala Harris, and the other “progressive” politicians who insist that gender ideology is factual—expect us to believe that this man is a lesbian. They expect us to believe that when people notice that he is a man, he is a victim of “misgendering.” They expect us to believe that the vulnerable women, many wearing little to no clothing in the changing rooms or showers, are not victims and that any opposition to this fellow joining them is transphobia. 

That is not hyperbole. That is what they actually believe. And their beliefs bring big “payoff” for guys like the Zoom Call Creeper. (Rowling responded to that video, too, with a devastating one-liner that again encapsulates what everyone is thinking: “They just want to pee.” Yeah, right.)  

When the fever breaks, those who refused to cooperate in this top-down cultural delusion will look prescient. There have been some encouraging free speech victories in recent months that highlight this fact. A Virginian school board just agreed to pay a former high school teacher more than $500,000 in both damages and legal fees after they fired him in 2018 for refusing to use a trans-identifying student’s new pronouns. The school board insisted that the teacher “live by lies”; he refused, and he won.  

RELATED: Virginia school board agrees to pay $575k to teacher fired for refusing to use transgender pronouns

Leading child psychiatrist Dr. Allan Josephson, who was fired by the University of Louisville for comments opposing sex changes for children in 2019, has also scored a victory for sanity and freedom of speech. “Last year, in a case I filed against [the] University of Louisville… over the violation of my constitutional rights and seeking reinstatement of my position with back pay, a federal district court ruled a jury should hear my claims,’ Josephson wrote in an op-ed for the Daily Signal recently. “And on Sept. 10, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit agreed.” 

Neither of these stories has attracted much press attention—but the trend is clear. Opposing gender ideology is protected speech, and as trans activist demands become more obviously unhinged, being able to say so is increasingly important. Elon Musk’s purchase of X has cleared the way for the truth about transgenderism to go viral, driven in part by the fact that his own child was sucked into the transgender cult. Cultural figures such as Joe Rogan and J.K. Rowling, who are not socially conservative by any metric, are clearing a path for those without name or wealth to oppose transgenderism, as well. 

The fever will break. It’s a matter of time. 


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