
5 Ways Thanksgiving Can Help You Practice Patience

No one likes trials. Companies make money by promising to make our lives easier, not more difficult. Yet Jesus promises we will have trouble following him (John 16:33). Fortunately, Christ also promises in that passage how he has overcome the world, encouraging us with his victory over all things. 

During trials, thankfulness shifts our focus from the difficulty of the moment to God’s greater purpose working in us and our lives, as well as the lives of those around us. James 1:2-4 tells us to “consider it pure joy” when we face trials because these challenges test our faith and develop perseverance. Gratitude during challenging seasons allows us to embrace this truth, thanking God for the trial and the strength he gives us to endure. 

A present, temporary trial doesn’t dismiss or diminish God’s promises, which are eternal, based on his word, which won’t return voice. Expressing gratitude and facing our difficulties, we recognize God remains with us, empowering us to endure and overcome, shifting our mindset from frustration to trust. Rather than resisting or becoming discouraged by the trials, we thank God for the ways he refines us, builds our character, and increases our faith through experience. 

Just as God strengthens us in the present, he will sustain us in the future. The resulting peace and patience help us to serve others as Jesus served others. 

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/vlada_maestro

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