
Elon Musk says society must stop ‘scaring’ women from having children in Tucker interview – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In an interview with Tucker Carlson, tech mogul Elon Musk once again encouraged people to have families, urging society to stop “scaring women” away from having babies.

In the nearly two-hour interview with Carlson on October 7, Musk told the popular pundit that society “must stop scaring women that having a kid destroys your life,” stating emphatically that such a notion is “false.”

“We terrify girls … that if you get pregnant your life’s over, this is what schools teach,” lamented the billionaire and father of 12, who added that while he agrees teenage pregnancies are not ideal, “having a child is one of the most delightful, happiness-inducing things you can possibly do,” to which Carlson, who himself has four children, replied, “Of course.”

In addition to comments on having kids, the lengthy interview saw Musk touch on vaccines, the need for religion, artificial intelligence and Donald Trump.

While Musk has previously stated he is an atheist — and his views on life and family remain at odds with the true moral positions of the Catholic Church, which opposes abortion, contraception and in-vitro fertilization, the latter being a practice Musk himself has used — the Tesla founder has become one of the most vocal proponents of childbearing in the last number of years.

As fertility rates across the West plummet, Musk has consistently warned about the coming population collapse that will result. While he has never opposed abortion or contraception in principle, he has pointed to birth control and abortion as contributing factors to the demographic crisis and has also pushed back against the absurd claims of climate extremists that a reduction in population is necessary for the sake of earth.

Last year, responding to the surprise passage in Ohio of a radical pro-abortion amendment, Musk said men and women have been misled regarding the harms of abortion and that people have been raised to hate children.

“Women in the West have been taught that an accidental pregnancy is the worst thing that could possibly happen to them,” Musk responded. “Thus, they strongly oppose abortion bans as being an existential threat.”

“Many men also fear that they will be unable to have ‘fun’ if abortion is outlawed,” he wrote.

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