
Trudeau pledges even more money for abortion, contraception across Canada – LifeSite

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that he will be furthering expanding Canada’s so-called “Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund” to make it even easier for Canadians to abort their unborn children. 

In a September 28 press release, Trudeau celebrated the oxymoronically named “International ‘Safe’ Abortion Day” by revealing that he will spend even more taxpayer dollars expanding the “Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund,” mentioning specifically his goal of making abortion easier to access for women, particularly “youth,” indigenous Canadians and ethnic minorities. 

“Our government is proudly pro-choice and always will be,” Trudeau wrote. “That’s why we’re taking action to expand sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care across the country. With the Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund, we are removing barriers, increasing access to these critical services, and supporting community organizations across Canada to help deliver this care.”  

“Funding includes projects to increase access to safe abortion services for women, youth, and Indigenous, racialized, and 2SLGBTQI+ communities,” he added.

Trudeau further celebrated his government’s proposed Bill C-64, which, if passed, would force the taxpayer to fund various forms of contraception including the abortifacient “morning after pill.”  

Trudeau’s bill also promotes at-home chemical abortions, which are typically done through the ingestion of drugs like Mifegymiso. In January, CLC reported on a 19-year-old Canadian girl who died after taking the dangerous concoction. 

Trudeau also celebrated the work his government has done to ensure women abroad can kill their children, bragging that in 2022-23 “global investments to support safe [sic] abortions and post-abortion care increased by over 50 per cent.”  

It’s unclear what Trudeau means by a “safe” abortion, since every abortion ends with the death of at least one patient and usually lifelong trauma for the mother.  

Despite the horrible reality of abortion, Trudeau continues to push the anti-life narrative on Canadians. Trudeau has long professed his support for abortion despite being a baptized Catholic. Since taking office in 2015, his Liberal government has championed pro-abortion policies such as stripping pregnancy resource centers of their charitable status.  

According to Campaign Life Coalition, abortion has killed over four million preborn babies in Canada since its legalization in 1969, which is roughly equivalent to the population of Alberta.  

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