
Pastors’ Callings

The Church Order Review Task Force in its report to Synod 2024 noted some big changes in the ways pastors in the Christian Reformed Church serve the denomination. The number of ministers of the Word serving outside of congregational ministry in 2023 is more than nine times greater than in 1950. Here’s the historical breakdown of pastors’ callings:

  1950 1975 2000 2023
Congregational Ministry 283 580 612 808
Missions 34 57 45 34
Other called positions 29 147 236 273
Eligible for call but not serving 0 19 48 93
Emeritus (retired) 2 169 368 786

“Other called positions” includes “chaplains, educators, denominational personnel, and other similar positions,” the task force said. According to Church Order Art. 12-c, “a minister of the Word may also serve the church in other work which relates directly to the calling of a minister, but only after the calling church has demonstrated … that said work is consistent with the calling of a minister of the Word.”

Source: Agenda for Synod 2024, p. 81. Original data source: CRC Yearbook for years shown.

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