
L.A. Marzulli Warns: Demons, Portals and End-Time Deception

In a recent interview with Charisma Media, renowned author and researcher L.A. Marzulli leapt into the topic of supernatural portals and their connection to the biblical promised land of Israel. Known for his expertise in the fields of the paranormal and spiritual warfare, Marzulli raises concerns about the spiritual battle that exists both in the natural and supernatural realms.

“There are gateways and portals over the promised land, there’s no doubt about that,” Marzulli states, emphasizing that these openings allow entities to pass through from other realms. He draws a direct connection between the supernatural activity in Israel and the spiritual forces described in the Bible. “Just like there are gateways and portals in other places on the Earth, this is how these entities pass through.”

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Marzulli references the book of Daniel to provide a biblical foundation for his claims. He points to Daniel 10:13, where an angel sent to deliver a message to Daniel is delayed for 21 days by the “prince of Persia,” a demonic territorial spirit. Marzulli believes that similar spirits are still active in regions like Iran and Gaza today. “There are territorial spirits,” he explains. “The Bible tells us who the Prince of Persia is. I would posit that the Prince of Persia is still operating.”

He further connects these supernatural events to the ancient Nephilim, the hybrid offspring of fallen angels and human women mentioned in Genesis 6:4. “The conquest of the promised land was the culmination of the seed war,” he explains, referring to Israel’s battles with the Nephilim tribes. Marzulli suggests that just as the Israelites faced off against these beings in the past, modern Israel may still be contending with their influence in a spiritual sense.

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Marzulli also touches on the significance of the Middle East in biblical prophecy, specifically highlighting Damascus and its connection to the last days. He points to Isaiah 17:1: “The burden of Damascus. See, Damascus will cease from being a city; it will become a ruinous heap,” underscoring the city’s critical role in end-time events.

Believing the turmoil in the region is tied not just to geopolitical tensions but also to spiritual forces at work, Marzulli suggests that ancient portals in the Middle East may be linked to the Nephilim, influencing human history throughout the ages.

“I think these portals are ancient and have been used to access our world by beings that have influenced human history,” Marzulli explains. He warns that the escalating spiritual war is directly connected to events unfolding in this region, namely Israel’s war with Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, emphasizing the need for believers to remain vigilant as these signs align with the fulfillment of end-time prophecies.

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Hoping to wake the body of Christ to the reality of what we are facing, Marzulli warns that humanity is on the brink of unprecedented deception, particularly involving extraterrestrial beings and paranormal activity. Citing Matthew 24:24, he says, “False Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Marzulli believes that portals and gateways play a significant role in this great deception, leading people away from biblical truth.

He soberly issues fellow Christians a word of caution: “We are living in unprecedented, uncharted waters. There are forces at play that most people don’t even see, but they’re real. If we’re not vigilant, we’re going to be deceived.”

Marzulli’s warning leaves with it a sense of urgency, reminding us that the spiritual battle over the earth is not just a historical event from the Bible, but an ongoing struggle between good and evil.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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