
The Faith and Fight of Chip Roy – Intercessors for America

Find out about the congressman “whose presence should give Christians some peace about the road ahead.”

From WORLD. Last week, Americans were fascinated by the fight in Washington as Republicans battled over the election of a speaker of the House. Congressman Chip Roy of Texas, a conservative member of the House Freedom Caucus, led the fight. The Southern Baptist is a man of faith and conviction whose presence should give Christians some peace about the road ahead.

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“I haven’t been promised anything. Literally, I have got nothing out of this deal for me personally. … But what we have extracted are promises from the speaker to make sure that we have ideological diversity and representation among these committees,” Roy told Jake Tapper on CNN. That level of personal disinterest favoring convictional and principled politics is what sets Roy apart in Washington. Even his detractors in the speaker’s fight acknowledged McCarthy’s team could trust him because for Roy the fight was about principles. …

Before his election to the House, Chip worked for Sen. John Cornyn of Texas as Cornyn’s staff director and senior counsel on the Judiciary Committee. …

In 2009, Chip left Cornyn’s office and headed to Texas to help Gov. Rick Perry. …

After Perry, Chip became Chief of Staff to Sen. Ted Cruz. …

Chip then moved from Cruz’s office to First Assistant Attorney General of Texas under Ken Paxton. …

In 2018, Chip got elected to Congress, representing a district between Austin and San Antonio. He went from behind the scenes to in front of cameras leading fights. He often publicly disagreed with the Trump Administration on government spending. He has been prophetic in his warning about precedents that the left might use later through governance by executive order. He has tirelessly fought for religious liberty.

The fight Americans saw last week was quintessentially Chip Roy. Others had various motives, but Chip made it about principles of governance. He wanted the speaker to agree to open legislation, that now novel concept that congressmen must draft laws, debate them, and consider amendments instead of having House leaders draft legislation not subject to challenge. He wanted reforms in the budget process. In return, he needed nothing for himself because he understands that the process, if fixed, benefits everyone.

Chip Roy is led by his faith. He’s willing to be in the lion’s den knowing he is right with God. He does not need anything from Washington, but America truly needs a man like him in this fight. …

Are you encouraged by Chip Roy’s faith and actions? If so, share this article with your friends and family to encourage them!

(Excerpt from WORLD. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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