
In Hope Against Hope, He Believed – Intercessors for America

Gretchen C

January 18, 2023, 12:21 pm

Lord God, have mercy on this nation and mercy on us. Dry bones will come alive in Holy Spirit. Yes and amen!

Misty F

January 18, 2023, 10:45 am

Lord God, have mercy on this nation and mercy on us. I too am convinced that America and many places throughout the world will take part in a revival of Christian faith such as the world has never seen before! I believe it will be witnessed by all people throughout the earth and souls will be saved by the hundreds of thousands, and even millions! Renewal will flood the church like the day of Pentecost! We declare it! Though it is hard to imagine with the horrors that we are surrounded by, I believe that His Kingdom on Earth will be awakened to His great love; the very love the broken are thirsty for. And aren’t we ALL broken? Does He not love us ALL? Even those that perpetuate evil? Are we not called to pray for them too? Let us do as He called us to; love God and love our neighbors, with action and compassion. Look forward to the day of Christ with great anticipation of witnessing His awesome majesty and victory!
Pray for the coming revival with gratitude, knowing that He is moving, even when we cannot see it! Praise Him for the strength He gives His people! Praise Him! Praise His Holy Name!

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