
Morning Rundown: Tragic Plane Crash Kills 4 Church Leaders, Pastor Survives

(Harvest Church Facebook page)

Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Tragic Plane Crash Kills 4 Church Leaders, Pastor Survives

The pastor of a Tennessee church was the lone survivor after a plane crash Tuesday killed four of his fellow church leaders, leaving parishioners and loved ones in shock.

Harvest Church in Germantown, Tennessee, released a statement Tuesday expressing sorrow amid the monumental loss and noted the congregation is “without the proper words” to articulate its grief.

“We ask for your prayers and request the families involved are given proper space to grieve,” the statement read.

Pastor Who Went to Hell: ‘I Wouldn’t Wish It On My Worst Enemy’

The lead pastor of a church in Austin, Texas says he has visited hell, and he wants everyone to know that is a very real place.

Gerald Johnson, the lead pastor of Faith Culture Church, says he was sent to hell in Feb. 2016 after suffering a heart attack. The Jerusalem Post reported that “in one of his more viral videos, Johnson said that he indeed saw the real hell.”

“I was there and wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy,” Johnson says. “I don’t care what he did to me. No one deserves that.”

Conservative Christians Fight Hollywood with ‘Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist’

Global elites that control a one world government and monetary system is a impending reality we face in our world today. In “Left Behind: Rise Of The Antichrist,” the daunting global agendas are put on display on the big screen to show what a post rapture world would look like.

“It’s so prophetic into what is happening nowadays. We really get a deep dive into what the world would look like if everything was run by a specific group of people and it’s kind of scary that you have that happening nowadays. This movie couldn’t have come at a better time,” actor Braeden Sorbo says in our Charisma News interview.

The 21-year-old actor is the son of Kevin Sorbo and is falling right behind his dad in the world of acting. “To be able to film and partake in this movie was an absolute pleasure,” he says.

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