
The Brew: Satanism Takes Center Stage – The Stream

Happy Tuesday!

Getting your popcorn ready for tonight’s State of the Union?

“Yeah, but I am only watching for the crashes.”

More on the SOTU in a bit. But first …

Satan Plays the Grammys

Nothing to see, folks. Just a satanic, transgender performance brought to you by Pfizer on the platform once graced by the likes of Perlman, Pavarotti, Sinatra and Mahalia.

The Grammys went full demonic Sunday night with a highly ritualistic, overtly sexualized number by gender-fluid Sam Smith and transgender Kim Petras called “Unholy.”

As John Knox of Not the Bee put it:

Yep. Just a guy dressed as the devil with a bunch of demonesses suggestively performing sex acts on him while he and a trans singer (a dude dressed like a woman) sing back and forth about adultery with flames billowing behind them.

(WARNING: Suggestive, Vulgar and Satanic Imagery. )

Unholy indeed. Unholy also in that Smith and Petras actually won a Best Pop Duo/Group Grammy for the song. Unholy in that Pfizer was proud to sponsor such an evil display.

Unholy that CBS plugged the performance beforehand by retweeting Sam Smith and adding, “We are ready to worship!” CBS deleted the tweet Monday.

The Silver Lining in This Satanic Display

If there is a silver lining to this Lucifer in Prime Time number, it’s that the song and dance were monotonous and utterly lame. I mean flames, a woman in a cage? Long-haired women, gyrating and clawing a man? What is this? Alice Cooper, circa 1974? KISS? Spinal Tap without the catchy riffs and amps turned up to 11?

Even the devil horns come straight off an AC/DC album cover. The lighting? Ripped off from Joe Biden’s “MAGA supporters are terrorists” show in Philadelphia.

Old Scratch should be embarrassed with himself. The Federalist agrees: “It isn’t just gross. It’s boring.”

Kurt Cobain did more to evoke the demonic sitting down with an acoustic guitar, performing Leadbelly’s “Where Did You Sleep at Night” shortly before his death. Drop the needle on bluesman Robert Johnson’s “Hellhounds on My Trail” some time. And the 2021 Travis Scott concert in Houston where 10 were killed was certainly a show conjuring up demonic spirits.

Sam Smith and Kim Petras? “Look at me! I’m dark and edgy!”

Newsflash: If you’re introduced by a whip-wielding, wax-faced Madonna, you are already decades past edgy. You are a bad community theater production of Rocky Horror Picture Show.

What a beelzu-bust.

Still, as part of the widespread cultural effort to pump up Satanism … to say nothing of transgenderism … for the kiddies, I fully agree with Liz Wheeler: How wretched and wicked.

Tweeted Wheeler: “Don’t fight the culture wars, they say. Meanwhile demons are teaching your kids to worship Satan. I could throw up.”

And it ain’t just demons teaching your kids to worship Satan, but as we just saw, CBS.

Telling side note: if you Google “travis scott houston demonic” you are hit with a slew of articles mocking and “debunking” the “conspiracy theories” about the satanic ritual elements of the concert.

Hey, media. Whataya have to say about Sunday’s performance?

Satanists to Gather to Protest Bill Banning Sex Change Surgeries for Children

If Sunday night’s performance didn’t showcase the ties between the transgender cult and Satanism and the targeting of our kids, check out what’s happening in Idaho next Monday.

Members of the Boise chapter of the Satanic Temple will be gathering at the state capitol to stage a “Hail Yourself: Gender Affirmation Ritual.” The Satanic ritual is to protest an Idaho bill called the “Vulnerable Child Protection Act” which would ban sex-change surgeries and drugs for minors.

Satanic Temple Opens Medicinal Abortion Facility in New Mexico

If abortion isn’t satanic, I’m not sure what is. But at least they’re now admitting it. The Satanic Temple is opening a “health” clinic in New Mexico to provide “free religious medication abortion” services.

Oh, you still have to pay for the medication. But the “ritual abortion” itself is free.

The facility from the Satanic Temple’s new TST Health division will be called “The Samuel Alito’s Mom Satanic Abortion Clinic.” A cheap mockery of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, author of the Dobbs decision that sent Roe v. Wade to the pits of hell.

Frantic Rescue Operations Underway in Turkey and Syria After Horrific Quake

Thousands are already confirmed dead after Monday morning’s devastating 7.8 earthquake in Turkey and Syria. The worst quake to hit the region since 1939, Turkish president Recip Tayyip Erdogan said.

Video from the quake is horrifying.

Over 45 countries are rushing in experts and aid, including the United States.

“Our teams are deploying quickly to begin to support Turkish search and rescue efforts and address the needs of those injured and displaced by the earthquake,” Joe Biden said in a statement.

Powerful aftershocks continue to strike the two countries.

Please join us in praying for the people of the impacted countries and the search-and-rescue efforts of first responders.

Biden Delivers The State of the Union Tonight. Nation Already Has Some Idea

Joe Biden heads up to Capitol Hill to deliver the State of the Union. He will try to peddle the idea that the state of the Union is strong. Unfortunately, just 39% of Americans believe that, according to a Monmouth University poll, down from 46% last March. Only 7% think the state of the Union is “very strong.” The rest of the 32% say it is “somewhat strong.” “Well, at least we’re not Haiti” is not exactly a ringing endorsement. Even optimism among Democrats has dropped from 68% to 58%.

Along The Stream

The podcast “Conversations With Christians Engaged” starts a new series! “Cultivating Leadership in Business.”

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTR, Gab, Parler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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