
Morning Rundown: Satanic Worship Headlines Grammys

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Satanic Worship Headlines Grammys

Surrounded by dancers with long black hair cloaked in red robes, English singer Sam Smith was center stage at the Grammys glorifying satanic rituals in a skin tight leather outfit as he sang “Unholy.”

Smith identifies as non-binary. His performance at the Grammys which streamed to millions around the world was a clear symbol of the vociferous spiritual warfare happening in our culture today.

The first transgender singer to hit No. 1 charts, Kim Petras also joined Smith for the performance. Petras is a collaborator on the song and was seen trapped in a large cage surrounded by fire on the stage.

‘Give Me Jesus Right Now!’: Revivals Breaking Out in Bakersfield

In a world filled with sin lurking around every corner of society, one can miss the signs of light shining bright against the darkness.

This very thing is happening in Bakersfield, California, with evangelist Mario Murillo inviting the presence of the Lord to change the heart of the city.

His ministry has been reaping the fruits of their labor in a spiritually starved part of the country, and lives are being changed because of it.

Kari Lake Shares Details of How She Encountered the Holy Spirit

2023CMPrintcoverKari Lake, the rising conservative superstar who plans to take the evidence of election fraud in Arizona all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to reveal the truth, shared her testimony on Steve Bannon’s program “War Room” on the Real America Voice TV channel last week. Unabashedly, she revealed her encounter with the Holy Spirit.

“A few years ago, I found an evangelical church that changed my life,” says Lake, who grew up with a Catholic mother and a Lutheran father. “I walked in and felt the Holy Spirit and, for the first time really, a real connection with Jesus.”

This spiritual encounter happened a couple of years before Lake announced that she would run for governor of Arizona. Since her jumping from local TV news into politics in mid-2021, Lake has been distinctly known for her boldness, courage and a fierce, uncompromising commitment to the truth, integrity and Judeo-Christian values.

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