
Changing the World, One Man at a Time – The Stream

In this episode of the Dr. J Show, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse interviews Fr. Hans Jacobse, founder of the St. Paisios Brotherhood. He and fellow priests help men deal with their problems “from the outflow of a very broken culture and broken families.”

“A lot of these guys don’t have solid relationships with their fathers, which really affects them,” Fr. Hans says. “They need healing. They really want to know how to be a man, but if you don’t have a father to teach you, who’s going to teach you? The dominant culture is. That’s what’s happening.”

One of the major problems Fr. Hans sees repeatedly is pornography, which “comes from hell, because if we can destroy the characters of young men just entering manhood, then we can destroy them for a lifetime. [Pornography] weakens them so they can never become strong men.”

“I realized these guys are falling off the cliff. Sometimes I reached over the cliff and pulled them back onto solid ground. That’s where the work is. And that’s how we’re going to change the world.”

Listen to the straightforward wisdom from Fr. Hans by watching this video.

Family Planning Providers Told to Go Behind Parents’ Backs

A Department of Health and Human Services memo to taxpayer-funded family planning services instructs them on talking to adolescents about sex and delivering contraceptives to children without parental involvement.

Ruth Institute President Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D, called the campaign “horrifying,” saying: “Families need to know that this is what the Sexual Revolution, aided and abetted by the Biden administration, is doing to their children: turning them into cogs in a well-oiled machine that includes indoctrinating them at an early age, getting them on contraceptives, and, when that fails, providing them with abortions — all without your knowledge or consent.”

The memo tells recipients how to communicate surreptitiously with children as young as 13.

“Among other techniques, providers are to tell adolescents to call on their computer using headphones, call from the bathroom, or call from a cell phone in a parked car,” Morse said.

“Providers are also instructed to deliver contraceptives from vans or to mail them to their ‘clients’ in unmarked packages.”

“As far as Biden and his allies are concerned, parents are temporary custodians of their children, who will be allowed to provide them with food, clothing and shelter. But when it comes to guiding impressionable youth in actions which will have a profound effect on their future, families are to butt out. It takes a village to corrupt the next generation.”

At least one federal district court judge has ruled that this Title X initiative “violates the constitutional rights of parents to direct the upbringing of their children.” The Biden administration is appealing that decision, and the attorneys general of 24 states have signed an amicus brief supporting the appeal.

Morse remarked: “Parents must understand that there’s a war for the future of their children. It’s being fought in bureaucracies, courts and on other fronts. Just as the Communists and Fascists tried to raise generations loyal to them, so is the Sexual State to American youth in the 21st century.”

“And they must be stopped.” 

This Washington Stand article quotes Dr. Morse on this issue.

Tired of Pride Month?

Rainbow flags are everywhere. How much more are we going to take? How much more can we allow our children to take? It’s time to protect the innocence of our children and grandchildren. Not sure what to do but want to do something? Here are some ideas:

  1. Share the memes, videos, articles, and interviews from our Facebook, Locals, Twitter, Rumble, and YouTube channels. Spread the word that people aren’t “born that way” and they actually can change. It happens every day!
  2. Download our e-book, “Protecting Your Family from the Top 5 Gay Myths” to learn how to answer the two claims above, plus three more. Get it, read it, pass it on.
  3. Help the Ruth Institute. We’re responding to Pride month. Our efforts include sending our “Your Pain is Real” trans brochure to schools and parishes. We’re donating copies of The Sexual State to seminarians, high school teachers, and college professors. Dr. Morse does presentations to mom’s groups on how to answer their children’s questions about the “Pride” displays they see everywhere. She talks to doctors seeking advice on consciously helping their patients without getting into trouble for doing so. She appears in webinars such as the Voice of the Family in the U.K., where she documented the link between the LGBT movement and support for pedophilia.

We must protect the innocence of vulnerable children — your children, your grandchildren.

Please help us in our campaign to Resist Pride!

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.

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