
UPDATE: Brazilian mother with Stage IV cancer who chose life still needs your help – LifeSite

Help heroic Michelle to provide for her children: LifeFunder

(LifeSiteNews) — Brazilian mother Michelle de Oliveria, who chose life for her unborn baby even as she herself was battling Stage IV cancer, gave birth to a healthy girl late last month, but unfortunately received grim news about her own health shortly thereafter.

As explained in an update on the LifeFunder page set up for Michelle, wherein those concerned can contribute financially to help the extremely ill mother of two, Michelle’s baby girl Maya arrived on May 19, and is “doing very well.”

A photograph of the birth of Michelle’s baby daughter Maya, born May 19, 2023

Unfortunately, shortly after baby Maya’s miraculous birth, Michelle received devastating news about her own health after undergoing tests to restage the severity of her disease.

In comments to LifeSiteNews’ Tim Jackson, Michelle revealed that her tests showed that her cancer has continued to progress, metastasizing even further from her breasts to the “spine and costal arch.”

Michelle explained that at this stage of progression, she has been told that any treatment she undergoes is to merely “control the cancer,” since it is no longer curable.

“In 15 days, after the last oncological PET scan exam, the doctor will outline the next steps for the treatment, but everything indicates that I will undergo oral chemotherapy. Breast surgery is no longer being indicated due to distant metastasis,” Michelle outlined.

Reacting to the heart-wrenching news, Michelle, who is also the mother of a 6-year-old boy named Joachim, told Jackson that she is “sad about the result” but remains strong that with “faith” in God, “nothing is impossible.”

“I am firm in taking the next steps to do what has to be done so that I can be with my children,” Michelle said.

“There are moments when I feel bad, afraid of not being able to raise my children,” she continued, adding that despite this, she maintains strength and belief in God.

Michelle also took the time to thank all those who have supported her, either through messages of support, prayer, or financially through LifeFunder, explaining to Jackson that she is “always moved” by the encouragement.

“I feel a wonderful energy from you and certainly every prayer has made and makes a difference in my walk,” Michelle said. “I’m grateful for everything. Once again and forever, I will thank all of you for the financial help I so badly need and the prayers I so desperately need.”

“I ask God to bless them greatly. I don’t have many words to thank, it’s God himself. A big hug and keep praying for me, please,” the woman concluded.

As Michelle’s LifeFunder explains, despite pressure from Maya’s father to have an abortion, Michelle chose life for her daughter even though doing so greatly reduced her chances of surviving metastatic breast cancer.

Jackson, who along with his wife, met Michelle in January, has personally testified to the “dire need she is in.”

“Apart from the hardship of knowing about her impending death, Michelle is struggling to pay for the basic necessities, so your help will be so greatly appreciated,” Jackson wrote in the LifeFunder.

“The money will be collected by Michelle in Brazil,” Jackson explained, adding, “Finally, please ask people to pray for a miracle. Michelle is choosing to love both of her children regardless of the cost.”

Help heroic Michelle to provide for her children: LifeFunder

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