
The Nature of Your Constant Enemy

The key to overcoming the Evil One is to stay close to the Good One. To listen to the voice of the Shepherd so much that, when the Devil interrupts, you know it is not God, and you resist him, firm in your belief in the Good Shepherd.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)

What if you had a real, living, constant enemy with powers beyond your imagination that was stalking you and your family day and night?

You do.

His name is Satan. He has supernatural powers and a host of demons at his disposal. He has one constant agenda: to usurp God. If you are one of God’s children by grace through faith, you are on his radar. You are filled with God and represent God in this generation. You are the salt and light in this present world and the greatest obstacle to Satan’s dominance.

His Nature

Jesus was very clear about this. He identifies Satan and his agenda repeatedly.

He’s a thief and a robber.

So, he constantly comes to take what does not belong to him. He does not want you to experience and enjoy all the riches of God’s Kingdom that Christ has for you. And he certainly doesn’t want you introducing anyone else to the Good Shepherd.

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