
How Should Christians Respond to Pride Month?

June is officially the start of Pride Month. For many Christians, this can be a time of uneasiness. While Christians should not accept homosexuality, we should not be mean or hateful towards them. Jesus wants us to love all people as He does, and this includes homosexuals. Since this is true, we as Christians need to know how to respond to Pride month in a biblical manner.

Pride Month

As mentioned, Christians should not hate homosexuals; however, we should not encourage them in their sinful behaviors. The Bible tells us, “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable” (Leviticus 18:22). As God tells us, men should not have sexual relations with other men, nor should women have sexual relations with other women. God created marriage to be between one man and one woman (Mark 10:6-9). 

By accepting same-sex marriage and same-sex relations, you are accepting and condoning sin. Homosexuality is a sin, and as believers, we need to see it as such. This means that we need to help our fellow friends and family members who struggle with this sin understand what the Bible says. We cannot make anyone believe anything, yet we can give them the proof found in the Bible. If they are a believer, the Holy Spirit will convict them of their sin and lead them to repentance. 

It’s important to note that just as a recovering alcoholic must actively war against alcoholism throughout their life, there are true Christians who struggle with homosexuality, even if it is a problem they must war against throughout their life. Famous author, poet, and rapper, Jackie Hill Perry, struggled with the sin of homosexuality, and despite being married with children, she still reports struggling with homosexuality. Jackie Hill Perry recognizes the goal of Christianity is salvation and growing closer to God—not necessarily being healed from your sin in the present life.

God desires for us to come to know Him more. His main desire is for us to grow deeper in our relationship with Him and to continue the process of sanctification in our lives. Many Christians believe someone who struggles with homosexuality would be “cured” or “healed” if they marry someone of the opposite gender, but this doesn’t usually work. This can lead to broken homes, lies, and hurts. If you struggle with homosexuality or you know someone who does, simply dating someone of the opposite gender won’t “fix” your homosexuality. This is a spiritual problem that needs to be addressed with God, not a manmade problem that we can force into a solution. 

God desires for you to lean more on Him. It doesn’t mean you will automatically be interested in heterosexual relationships, nor does it mean these urges will go away. Rather, God will help you with these urges and give you the support you need. The important part is turning away from the sin, repenting, and choosing to live for God each day. It can be difficult at times, but God will be with you every step of the way, and He will be with your loved one who is struggling as well.

Responding to Pride

As Christians, we need to respond to Pride Month in a way that is biblically accurate. This means we should love and care about those involved, yet we must also point them to Christ. We don’t need to be rude, hateful, or mean to those who are involved with Pride Month. Instead, we need to demonstrate Christ in our actions. The Apostle John tells us, “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth” (1 John 3:18). As John tells us, we need to show our love for them through our actions. 

This can pose the question, “How can I show love to my brother or sister who is struggling with homosexuality?” This answer is twofold. For one, we can show love to our brothers and sisters struggling with homosexuality by being kind, caring, and wanting the best for them. We shouldn’t use derogatory language toward them, nor should we make fun of them. This is all hurtful and won’t turn someone to the Lord. If the person already knows the Lord, your hurtful words and comments might turn them further away from repentance.

Secondly, we can show love to our brothers and sisters struggling with homosexuality by pointing them to the Bible. We need to do this in a way that is not seen as accusing them or trying to say something negative about them. Rather, we should point to what the Bible says and allow the Scriptures to convict the individual. It is worth mentioning that there will be many people who struggle with homosexuality that won’t be responsive to the teachings of the Bible. They might see you as trying to push your faith on them, which will only cause them to run further away from the Lord. Nonetheless, it is vital to use Scripture, in a God-honoring way, to show others the truth. 

Choose to build friendships with those struggling with homosexuality and allow your growing friendship to foster the bond of trust. Once they trust you and see that you want the best for them, they might be more open to hearing what the Bible says. However, there might be some people who genuinely don’t care what the Bible says and choose to continue to live their life of sin. If this happens, don’t see yourself as a failure. Instead, do your best to share what the Bible says and allow the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures to convict them. If you are sharing the truth of the Bible and the gospel message, then you are doing what is right. 

Moving Further

Moving further throughout the month of June, you might come across many Pride parades and festivals. In my hometown, the Pride parade is a huge event that attracts thousands of people. While it can be heartbreaking at times to see so many people turn away from God and celebrate sin, going to Pride parades or festivals can be a great time to get to know people, build friendships with them, and help them know the truth of the Bible. Yes, this can be difficult and intimidating, yet God wants us to help those who do not know Him and those who are living a life of sin.

Therefore, we need to respond to Pride Month in a way that honors God. There are many extremes among Christians, including those who are hateful of those who struggle with homosexuality and those who accept the sinful behavior. As Christians, we need to approach the situation with prayer and care. We need to be loving, caring, and helpful, yet we must also share what the Bible says. Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed with the task at hand, turn to the Lord and ask for His help.

God wants all people to know Him, including those who struggle with homosexuality. He yearns to redeem their souls and their lives. Never does God want any of His children to remain in a life of sin. God wants all of His children to know Him, love Him, and obey Him as written in the Word. Those who struggle with homosexuality shouldn’t be seen as “worse” sinners because all sin is equal before the eyes of God. In this way, Christians need to stop trying to classify certain sins as being worse than others, including homosexuality. There is hope for those who struggle with homosexuality, and this hope is found in Christ. 

Photo Credit: ©Brielle French/Unsplash

Vivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master’s degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.

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