
Hawaii governor signs law reducing waiting period for assisted suicide – LifeSite

HONOLULU (LifeSiteNews) – Five years after legalizing physician-assisted suicide, Hawaii is dramatically shortening the waiting period for obtaining lethal drugs.

Under previous law, individuals seeking to end their lives had to make two oral requests to their physician for a lethal prescription 20 days apart. Bioethics news service BioEdge reports that the state’s Democrat Gov. Josh Green, who is a retired oncologist, signed a law reducing that period by 75%, to just five days. The new law also lets doctors waive that period entirely if a patient is terminally ill and expected to die sooner than five days.

“Two of the largest healthcare systems in Hawai‘i found that a significant number of eligible patients run out of time during the waiting period,” claimed “right to die” organization Compassion & Choices in support of shortening such waits.

In 2018, Hawaii became the sixth state to allow physician-assisted suicide, with a law that required death certificates to list patients’ cause of death as their underlying terminal illness rather than the life-ending drugs they took. Since then, the total number of states allowing assisted suicide has risen to eleven.

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Remove Abp. Paglia from Pontifical Academy for Life after assisted-suicide comments
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The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV) has described assisted suicide as sometimes being the “greatest common good concretely possible” contrary to the Catholic Church’s strenuous condemnation of the practice.

This betrayal of the Catholic faith by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia is not for the first time, with the PAV repeatedly causing scandal under his watch by:

  • recently appointing a notorious pro-abortion atheist to the organization
  • claiming contraception and artificial insemination are sometimes acceptable
  • insisting that priests could accompany people through assisted-suicide, and
  • that Italy’s pro-abortion law is a “pillar” of the country’s social life.

SIGN: Pope Francis must remove Abp. Paglia from the Pontifical Academy for Life

“Personally, I would not practice suicide assistance,” Archbishop Paglia told an Italian journalism conference last week, “but I understand that legal mediation may be the greatest common good concretely possible under the conditions we find ourselves in.”

Accepting an anti-life Italian court ruling that specified when assisted-suicide is permitted, the archbishop claimed “it is not to be ruled out that in our society a legal mediation is feasible that would allow assistance to suicide under the conditions specified by Constitutional Court Sentence 242/2019…”

From the outset of his presentation in Perugia, Paglia also undermined the authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, stating: “First of all, I would like to clarify that the Catholic Church is not that it has a ready-made, prepackaged package of truths, as if it were a dispenser of truth pills.” 

SIGN: Abp. Paglia must be removed from the Pontifical Academy for Life

The PAV issued a statement on Monday trying to clarify the archbishop’s remarks, insisting that Paglia “reiterates his ‘no’ towards euthanasia and assisted suicide, in full adherence to the Magisterium”.

However, far from denouncing Paglia’s words, the PAV unsurprisingly supported its president. Referencing the Italian court ruling which partially decriminalized euthanasia by outlining exceptions to its illegality, the PAV stated it was in the context of this ruling that Paglia had made his comments.

In this precise and specific context, Msgr. Paglia explained that in his opinion a ‘legal mediation’ (certainly not a moral one) in the direction indicated by the Sentence is possible, maintaining the crime and the conditions under which it is decriminalized, as the same Constitutional Court has asked Parliament to legislate. 

The PAV’s fudging of the issue was met with consternation from several Catholic commentators, with liturgist Matthew Hazell, who had highlighted Paglia’s original comments, asking “How hard is it for the @PontAcadLife to just say ‘sorry’ for scandalising the faithful? Indeed, how hard is it to actually adhere to the teaching of the Church on life issues? Are you so incapable of reading the signs of the times & interpreting them in the light of the Gospel?”

SIGN: Abp. Paglia’s presidency of the Pontifical Academy for Life is untenable

It’s vital that the Church and PAV push back against the culture of death, rather than trying to accommodate it and accept a world that where the vulnerable are helped to kill themselves.

Be part of pushing back against the tide and making it clear that there is no room for confusion or betrayal when it comes to the sanctity of human life and the infallibilty of Catholic teaching on the matter. 



Abp. Paglia defends assisted-suicide as ‘greatest common good possible’ for dying people – LifeSiteNews

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“To legislate and consecrate the idea that we purposefully expedite their death to me is not what medicine is all about, not what our healing profession is about, and is emblematic of what’s going on in our society in all aspects,” California primary care doctor Jeff Barke said in March. “I think it’s a terrible advancement that states are legislating the rights and the power of a physician to act God-like and create and expedite a patient’s death.”

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has proposed rescinding federal regulations that provide conscience protections for professionals who do not want to engage in “abortion, sterilization, and certain other health services,” “assisted suicide, euthanasia, or mercy killing,” and for “managed care organizations with moral or religious objections to counseling or referral for certain services.”

The Suicide Prevention Lifeline in the United States can be reached by dialing 988.

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