
Here Are 20 Remarkable Things God Is Doing to Keep Us Strong – Intercessors for America

“I need something to encourage me to keep me going!”

These words were spoken to me by a mature Christian woman. She echoes the plea and predicament of millions. We face an avalanche of negative and depressing news reports that are causing many to become discouraged.

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.

Scrolling through news dispatches, we see that they’re filled with negativity and incessant reports about extremist political activity, “trans” madness, economic woes, border chaos, gay “Pride” celebrations and indoctrination, and endless instances of violence.

Let me encourage you in these troublesome times — not with fluff, fatalism, or “fly away,” rapture-centered escapism, but with facts-based developments rooted in God’s history of interventions for His people. The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble … (Nahum 1:7 NKJV).

The Rest of the Story

Not long ago, there was a towering figure who for 57 years told “the rest of the story” in news episodes on some 1,200 radio stations and 400 armed-forces stations and in 300 newspapers nationwide. Yes, Paul Harvey had 24 million listeners. He was married for almost 70 years to “Angel” and enjoyed a friendship with Billy Graham. When Harvey died at 90, the man who replaced him lasted for but one week!

So here’s a quick flyover of “the rest of the story” in our country, so that you’ll stay strong and carry on. Share these developments with your friends and family to strengthen them as well.

Good Reports

  1. Over 30,000 young people came to a Fill the Stadium event in Oklahoma that focused on evangelism and worship.
  2. Amid rising antisemitism worldwide, over 5 million people and 12,000 ministries in some 120 nations (over 120 languages!) participated in the Isaiah 62 event of 21 days of prayer and fasting for Israel. Unprecedented!
  3. Twitter officials censored the trans exposé film What is a Woman?, but billionaire Elon Musk intervened, and the film is now awakening people nationwide with over 180 million views in weeks!
  4. Over 500 pieces of legislation are moving forward nationwide to counter LGBTQ-driven agendas pushing surgical mutilation of minors, lewd performances by drag queens in libraries and schools, and distribution of destructive materials to children and youth.
  5. Turning Point USA (TPUSA) announced having 600,000 student activists and 3,000 campus chapters.
  6. TPUSA celebrated almost 11,000 students at their AmericaFest 2023 conference committing themselves to bravely proclaim the Gospel and transformative truths throughout the land.
  7. Some 80,000 mostly young people gathered at the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, in Tennessee, and they were evangelized by teams of Spirit-filled Christians (including me) who planted seeds of the Gospel and prayed for multitudes.
  8. At a recent gay “Pride” event here in Franklin, compassionate Christians reached out winsomely to LGBTQ attendees. And when three policemen tried to force us to “leave the premises,” they discovered that their deceptive comments were of no effect, because we understood our First Amendment rights.
  9. A Nashville pastors’ summit drew 1,100 leaders who are being equipped to engage the culture, as we heard from Charlie Kirk, Eric Metaxas, David Barton, Dave Ramsey, and some leaders of In-N-Out Burger (33,000 employees). A businessman suggested we update The Bullseye Challenge as a resource for pastors and parents (if you can sow some financial backing into this project, please contact me at [email protected]).
  10. World Outreach Church, in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, now comprises 15,000 under the bold leadership of Dr. Alan Jackson, who uncompromisingly addresses today’s hot-button issues. He has just returned from a gathering of 1,600 leaders in New York who are beginning to address the challenges of our day from a biblical point of view.
  11. In Vermont, a middle-school coach was fired and his daughter was expelled when they confronted a transgender boy in the girls’ locker room. But the father and daughter were awarded a $124,000 settlement, the coach was immediately reinstated, and his daughter returned to school.
  12. The Jesus Revolution film debuted two months ago on a $15 million budget and has been seen by millions, taking in over $50 million; it has been released to cable screening and put on DVD.
  13. Americans are emphatically rejecting the LGBTQ agenda; a Gallup poll reveals that a majority of respondents say that changing gender is morally wrong, that only two genders exist (male and female), and that women should not be forced to compete against biological men in sports.
  14. Home schooling has almost doubled, as parents refuse to subject their children to inferior education and sexualized indoctrination.
  15. Anna Paulina was sworn in as a U.S. congresswoman this year; she is a conservative Christian and one of the youngest Hispanics ever elected to office in America.
  16. Austin Smith, an outspoken Christian, was elected to the Arizona legislature as the youngest member in that state’s history.
  17. Florida has passed sweeping legislation — called “Protect Our Kids” — which upholds decency and inspires other states to follow suit.
  18. The state of Texas passed a law allowing chaplains to serve as counselors in all public schools.
  19. Intercessors for America, a ministry co-founded by Derek Prince and in which I’ve served for 48 years, celebrates its 50th anniversary in November. As the prayer movement accelerates exponentially at this time, we thank God for explosive growth of over 35 million accumulated connections in a year.
  20. As Charles Spurgeon warned of a time when “shepherds wouldn’t be feeding the sheep but be clowns entertaining goats,” it appears that God is stirring pastors to shed cowardice and boldly address the hot-button issues of our day!  On YouTube, 31 five-minute videos addressing the top issues of the day are available free!

Here’s the deal: Whenever David felt threatened and greatly distressed, he encouraged himself in the Lord (see 1 Samuel 30:6), and that’s what God is calling us to do in this pivotal time in our nation’s history. This is the cherry on the cake in this partial — not exhaustive — litany of what God is doing to keep us strong in these times that “try men’s souls.”

This is the Lord‘s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes (Psalm 118:6).

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Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 years, an IFA board member, a bestselling author, and a public-policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see Hear his weekly podcast here. Photo Credit: Timothy Eberly on Unsplash.

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