
Catholics protest massively blasphemous Halloween decorations that attracted national media coverage – LifeSite

(Tradition, Family, PropertyLouisiana) — On September 24, 2023, around 20 Catholics gathered in the late afternoon to pray, protest, and make public reparation for a Halloween blasphemy that made national headlines near Metairie, Louisiana. The peaceful protest was organized by Tradition, Family, Property (TFP)—Louisiana.

News reports describe the public blasphemy in the following terms:

  • “[The] two-story display of a blood-stained Satan holding the severed head of Jesus above a crucifix where the rest of His bloodied body hangs.”
  • “The display stretches across Miorana’s yard and includes a crucified nun and priest.
  • “Above the crosses, a Satan with yellow eyes holds Jesus’ head. Pews of bloody skeletal worshippers face the scene, with ghouls lingering nearby.” (NOLA, Sept. 19, 2023)

The assembled protesters prayed rosaries, sang hymns, and shouted slogans such as “Blasphemy is not free speech!” or “Reparation! Reparation! Reparation!” They gather around a large picture of the International Pilgrim Virgin of Our Lady of Fatima that depicts her weeping.

“She wept tears of sorrow over the sins of mankind in New Orleans in 1972. We thought it was appropriate to remind us how deeply blasphemy offends God and Our Lady,” said TFP volunteer Alvaro Zapata. 

Making their voices heard

Those in cars and sidewalk pedestrians read the signs and received flyers against the blasphemy. Some waved and honked. Several neighbors watched the event from their porches.

Signs that summed up the spirit of those gathered read, “We stand with Jesus against this blasphemy,” and “He who confesses Me before Men I will confess him before My Father… [in heaven].” Protest participants thank the protest organizers, saying: “This is way too far. This is outrageous!” “Something needed to be done.” “Thank you for inviting us.”

One 19-year-old male observed the scene for a while and asked, “What is a blasphemy?”

“A sin that is an attack directly against God,” came the response.

 “Oh, that’s what it is! That is bad! Thank you for doing this!” 

One older woman favoring the blasphemy shouted, “Y’all are crazy! Y’all are crazy! Y’all are awful!” She then spoke kindly with the owner of the display and manifested her sympathy. A Muslim man angrily approached the rally and said, “This offends me. You praying out loud offends me.” A rally participant responded, “We are not the problem. That blasphemy is the problem!”

The event was peaceful, although three police cars monitored the protest. Although it threatened to rain, not a drop fell. However, thunder could be heard as all departed at the rally’s end.

Reprinted with permission from Tradition, Family, PropertyLouisiana.

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