
Canadian Catholic school trustee silenced, forced to undergo ’sensitivity’ training for opposing LGBT agenda – LifeSite

Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators and courts telling them to uphold parental rights.

RED DEER, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) –– The Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools (RDCRS) board of directors has ordered a fellow trustee to undergo “LGBTQ+” and holocaust “sensitivity” training for a social media post she made comparing the LGBT agenda targeting kids to that of “brainwashing” Nazi propaganda, while also banning her from most of her public duties. 

Trustee Monique LaGrange of the RDCRS learned her fate late in the day Tuesday while attending a two-day board meeting at which there was a “secret” gathering concerning her social media post.  

LaGrange’s lawyer, Alberta-based attorney James Kitchen of Liberty Coalition Canada, attended the meeting alongside LaGrange, at which the trustees voted on a motion to severely censure LaGrange from doing public duties as a trustee.  

Kitchen told LifeSiteNews that RDCRS trustee Dorraine Lonsdale had launched a “complaint” against LaGrange, accusing her of violating the trustee code of conduct and the province’s Education Act.  

Kitchen told LifeSiteNews that trustees at the meeting ultimately ruled in favor of a motion that determined LaGrange had indeed violated the trustee code of conduct and the Education Act, but failed to provide specific details as to which sections LaGrange violated. However, Kitchen did note that these details should be forthcoming within the next 20 days.  

Kitchen said LaGrange was removed from all board committees, told she could never speak on behalf of the board, and that she would “never be allowed to speak or attend” any “public events.”

In speaking with LifeSiteNews, Kitchen noted that most “egregiously” LaGrange was ordered by her fellow trustees to complete “very extensive sensitivity training” within the next 90 days. This training must address the holocaust, the “oppression of the LGBT community, and human rights” and how to “speak properly” on social media.  

She has also been ordered to issue a letter of apology to the board saying she is “sorry” and admitting how “wrong” she was to make the comparison between LGBT indoctrination and Nazi “brainwashing.”  

As it stands, LaGrange can still attend board meetings and has retained her voting rights, but has otherwise been “silenced,” according to Kitchen. 

“It’s egregious that she’s been taken out of her democratically elected duties… ” Kitchen told LifeSiteNews. “But perhaps it’s even more egregious that she has this very intensive sensitivity training [to complete].” 

Kitchen said that LaGrange being forced to undergo “sensitivity training” effectively “amounts to compelled speech and a violation of her conscience.” 

LaGrange initially came under-fire  when she posted to social media an image showing kids in Nazi Germany waving swastika flags during a parade, with the bottom of the post showing an image of kids waving LGBT “pride” flags along with the text, “Brainwashing is brainwashing.” 

After her post went viral, calls for her to step down grew from leftist Alberta politicians and others. This culminated in her removal as director of the Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association (ACSTA) over two weeks ago. 

LaGrange was elected in 2021 and said about being kicked out of the ACSTA that it was “unfortunate that ACSTA decided to make a rash decision to remove me, refusing to acknowledge that the heart of my message was to protect our children and to nourish their God-given identities.”  

When it comes to LaGrange’s social media post, which has been removed, she said that the post was about protecting kids, not hurting them, saying her meme was “centered around indoctrination and how children are vulnerable to evil agendas (agendas coming from organizations like Planned Parenthood, the UN or SOGI 123) filtering through culture.”   

“This meme is not comparing or attacking the LGBTQ community, it is about protecting our children and keeping parents as the primary educators,” she added.   

LaGrange has asked Kitchen to be her media spokesman for the time being, and he told LifeSiteNews that she is “pretty disheartened by today’s outcome.”  

LaGrange considering ‘next steps’ to fight her censure by her board  

As for the next steps she can take, Kitchen told LifeSiteNews that LaGrange is considering looking at what legal recourse she can pursue. 

Kitchen noted that in Alberta, the education minister can only remove an entire board of trustees, but not an individual trustee. Individual boards, as noted by Kitchen, have a “common law” right to remove a trustee for serious code of conduct violations. 

He also told LifeSiteNews that RDCRS trustee Lonsdale did ask the board to disqualify LaGrange, but only one other trustee voiced “support for that.” 

Kitchen noted that LaGrange has had a lot of support from many in her community, noting how he submitted to the board “33 pages of emails in support” of his client. He is, however, hoping for more “support” from the public.

Kitchen also told LifeSiteNews that with this “new revolution of parental rights,” LaGrange no doubt has “way more support than a year or two ago.”  

There has been growing opposition in Canada to the teaching of radical transgender ideology in schools, which not only impacts children but also those in education who voice their opposition to such teaching.

This has led the province of Saskatchewan under Premier Scott Moe to announce a slew of pro-parental policies regarding gender and sexual education in public schools.  

Premier of Manitoba Heather Stefanson also recently chimed in on the issue, promising that if her Progressive Conservative government is re-elected this fall she will enhance parental rights by mandating that schools inform parents if their child wants to identify as a different “gender.”   

Starting off this trend, however, was New Brunswick Progressive Conservative Premier Blaine Higgs, who in July survived an attempt by his colleagues to trigger a leadership review over his decision to add parental protections to its “gender identity” policy for public schools.     

While LGBT activists have gone after the likes of Higgs and Moe for their slight pushback against gender ideology, a recent Leger poll has shown that Canadians in general favor parental rights in education, especially regarding the material being shared with children. 

Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators and courts telling them to uphold parental rights.

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