
Bible Verse of the Day: Advent Season, Isaiah 40:9-11


Dec. 1, 2022

Isaiah 40:9-11

O Zion, bearer of good news,
get yourself up onto a high mountain;
O Jerusalem, bearer of good news,
lift up your voice with strength,
lift it up, do not be afraid;
say to the cities of Judah,
“Here is your God!”
See, the Lord God will come with a strong hand,
and His arm shall rule for Him;
see, His reward is with Him,
and His recompense before Him.
He shall feed His flock like a shepherd;
He shall gather the lambs with His arm,
and carry them in His bosom,
and shall gently lead those that are with young.

Watchmen Prevent Enemy Destruction

After watchmen have been sent, they are responsible to declare what they see (Isa. 21:6). Shamar prophets, or watchmen prophets, have been set or put into their proper place or designated places, and these are the places in which they will have the strongest ability to see the spiritual vision. They will be able to see with spiritual eyes that can penetrate the impenetrable.

They will be able to see what others cannot see. And they will be able to say what they see. They will make declarations and reveal hidden things. They will pray decisive prayers that will keep their set charge, whether it may be a ministry, a church, a city, a region or a nation, safe and flourishing.

In the Old Testament, prophets were called seers, and they are still seers today. Every local church needs seer watchmen. From earliest times, watchmen prophets have helped prevent the enemy from destroying the people of God and their property. Many things can be prevented through the watchman prophet’s ministry. It is the will of God that many things be prevented. Everything that happens is not necessarily the will of God. Prophets helped us prevent things that are not the will of God.

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