
Vaccinated People Are Majority of COVID Deaths


Read time: 2 minutes 22 seconds

The latest data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that people who have had the COVID shots made up most of the COVID deaths in Aug. 2022.

Of the total 6,512 Coronavirus deaths recorded in August, 58.6% of the deaths were attributed to vaccinated or boosted individuals. In addition, there is a growing trend where vaccinated individuals are increasingly becoming the majority in COVID mortalities.

Approximately three in 10 adult Coronavirus fatalities in the fall of 2021 were vaccinated or boosted. But by Jan. 2022, approximately four in 10 COVID deaths were vaccinated or boosted. By April 2022, the CDC data showed that about six in 10 adult COVID deaths were vaccinated or boosted. Then the CDC data from June and July 2022 showed over 50% of deaths were being reported in vaccinated individuals, with 61% and 56% reported respectively.

In order to be counted as vaccinated, people must be at least two weeks out from completing their primary series before testing positive (for example, at least 14 days after completing two doses of the mRNA vaccine). Similarly, to be counted as having a booster, a person must be at least two weeks out from their booster or additional dose before testing positive.

Dr. Ryan Cole, a Mayo-trained board-certified pathologist and owner of the largest independent diagnostics laboratory in Idaho, is finding an alarming number of large blood clots that have appeared since the COVID shot rollout and seem to be present only in those people who have received the injection.

Dr. Cole’s lab, Cole Diagnostics, processes and reports out approximately 40,000 blood and biopsy patient samples annually. This lab is able to determine the difference between a spike protein caused by the virus and a spike protein caused by the COVID shots, which are demonstrably different and much more pronounced and serious. Most clots are typically micro or even medium size clots. However, these clots from the COVID shots are long, worm-like and some stretch for several inches or even up to several feet long.

One embalmer with 11 years of experience revealed that 93% of her recent cases died due to clots from the COVID shot. Morticians usually use a dissolving fluid to break up clots but now the fluid cannot not make it through these new monstrosities. The embalmers are finding that they are getting back pressure because the fluid cannot pass through the blood pathways due to the clots. They are forced to go into the body and manually pull them out. Now the embalmers are pulling out unusually large clots, as long as four feet, and have identified these irregular clots primarily in COVID-vaccinated individuals.

For more information, visit

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “Even the CDC’s own data reveals that these COVID shots are all risk and no benefit. These dangerous injections should be stopped immediately.”

This article originally appeared at, and is reprinted with permission.

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