
Loving and Longing

Such is the Christian life. Full of love and full of longing. Graciously receiving all good gifts from our good Father, and looking for and hastening the coming of the Lord Jesus. Let us look to Christ with contentment and expectation.

This was originally written before the birth of our fourth son. Now that we are expecting our fifth in a month or so, I’ve decided to share again. I’m still living in the loving and longing.

We are expecting our fourth son within a week, and I’ve been filled with thankfulness and excitement as the day draws near. I’ve been reminded that God fills our life with good gifts. James says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17). I love these good gifts from God. Yet I know that these good gifts are temporary. My wife, my house, my children, my job. Each one of these could be taken from me in a moment. Each one of these could bring me happiness or grief. And often that is how it is: the thing that once brought the greatest joy, brings also with it the greatest heartache. So on the cusp of the birth of my fourth son, I’m torn. Torn between loving and longing.

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