
British Singer Morrissey Slams Cancel Culture, Critics’ Quest to ‘Destroy People’

Morrissey (Morrissey Official Facebook page)

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British singer Morrissey has seemingly joined the chorus of celebrities speaking out against cancel culture, lambasting the “lethal” nature of perpetually offended people.

In a recently released interview, Morrissey said social media is part of the problem society has today, with people hoarding together to go after those with whom they disagree.

“I think so because now everybody is an expert critic, everybody is an expert scientist; they know everything,” he said. “They have the chance to review everything and destroy people, and if they can get their friends to join in and make a campaign of ‘let’s get rid of such-a-body.’ You know, I think it more-or-less happened to Germaine Greer, J.K. Rowling, the two perfect examples.”

Greer, an Australian writer, was lambasted over her views on the transgender issue. Rowling, too, has infamously been in the crosshairs of activists for her opinions on the same matter.

Rowling’s issues began in June 2020, when she critiqued the transgender movement, tweeting, “If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased.”

As for Morrissey, he said the cancel culture dynamic is “pretty lethal” in culture and said those enraptured by its tenets are people to avoid.

“They desperately need to find a witch. They have to find somebody who is disgraceful and horrible and blah, blah, blah,” he said, noting the constant offense these individuals feel. “People like that, I think, are a dreadful people.”

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