
The Chosen Television Show on the Life of Jesus Announces Streaming Date

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The time is almost here, the hit television show “The Chosen” has announced its streaming date for all season 3 episodes.

In an exclusive Charisma News interview, “The Chosen” actor Noah James shares the weight of playing a martyr and the testimonies that have poured in since the beginning of season one.

People chimed in across YouTube to share their love for the actors. One viewer wrote, “We’ve never seen the faces of the real apostles…so yes! When we hear or read the Gospels…we envision these characters from “The Chosen.” I do!”

Creator of “The Chosen” Dallas Jenkins says the theme for this season is out of Matthew 11:28 which says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.”

If you didn’t see the first two episodes in theaters, season three picks up with Jesus delivering the most famous sermon in history. Jenkins says, “What follows are the consequences of living out His teachings.”

The impact of the shows spreads far and wide, and now with a new partnership, the popular series is being translated into 600 languages. The Come and See Foundation has set a goal of making the show into 100 languages and adding subtitles to 500 additional languages.

For all who have been watching since the beginning, it’s incredible to see what God has done and is continuing to do. Dallas Jenkins took a step of faith in creating the television show inviting people into what Jesus’ life on earth looked like and it became the largest crowd-funded media project in history.

Like all good things, the show hasn’t come without struggles and triumphs. “It’s taken a long time for Season Three to get here, and believe me, it wasn’t by choice. From supply chain issues affecting our construction, to COVID delays, to weather, the making of Season Three for sure made us weary and heavy-laden. We don’t get to escape the themes of each season,” Jenkins says.

You can stream early access to the show for free on the Angel Studios App. On the app you have the ability to pay it forward to help others stream across the world get a glimpse of the life of Jesus.

Watch to the interview with Noah James to hear sneak peaks to look out for during season three!

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Shelby Bowen is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.

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