
Who Is Biden’s Latest Judicial Pick? – Intercessors for America

Biden’s latest judicial pick has ties to an antisemitic organization. Is he the right type of person to become a judge?

From Fox News. The Judicial Crisis Network (JCN), a conservative judicial advocacy organization based in Virginia, is rolling out a digital ad campaign against one of President Biden’s controversial nominees who has alleged ties to 9/11 hijacker sympathizers.

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The advertising campaign from JCN – slated to run in Pennsylvania, Montana and Washington, D.C. – consists of an initial buy of $50,000 and specifically targets Adeel Abdullah Mangi, who was recently nominated by Biden to be a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

The ads appearing in Pennsylvania and Montana urge Sens. Jon Tester, D-Mont., and Bob Casey, D-Pa., to vote “no” on Mangi’s nomination to a lifetime appointment on the federal court and accuse the judicial nominee of being an “antisemite” who is far too “extreme.” …

The ad goes on to highlight Mangi’s tenure as a member of the board of advisers for the Center for Security, Race, and Rights at Rutgers Law School from 2019 to 2023. …

“Mangi’s organization blamed America for the Sept. 11 terror attacks and has hosted speakers with terrorist connections, including a convicted terrorist,” the narrator continued. “Mangi’s organization even blamed Israel for the Hamas terror attack on Oct. 7. When Mangi was given opportunities to condemn these hateful views, he refused to do so.”

JCN president Carrie Severino blasted Mangi’s ties to the “radical, antisemitic group” in a statement to Fox News Digital.

“It is bad enough that President Biden has appointed activist judges who can’t identify major constitutional provisions and are hostile to law enforcement. But now Biden wants to give a life-tenure judicial position to a lawyer with ties to a radical, antisemitic group that blames the United States for 9/11 and teaches students to hate Israel and America,” she said. …

Since being nominated, Mangi has garnered significant criticism from GOP lawmakers for his personal and financial affiliation with the university research center that has been accused of giving a platform to “terrorist sympathizers.”

Last week, Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans announced they are investigating the funding of the center and insisted its “platforming of radical ideologues” was “troublesome.” …

The center, according to members of the committee, co-sponsored an event titled “Whose Narrative? 20 Years since September 11, 2001” on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Additionally, members of the committee noted that the center hosted an event titled “Psychoanalysis Under Occupation: Practicing Resistance in Palestine” three days after the Oct. 7 massacre of Israelis by Hamas militants. Center faculty affiliate Dr. Lara Sheehi opened the talk by saying, “Zionist settler colonialism is a structure that is the provocation,” according to the committee.

The center also held a December 2023 event titled “The West, Israel and Settler Colonization of Palestine” with Professor Joseph Massad, who lauded the Oct. 7 massacre in “jubilant” terms in an article that was published one day after Hamas invaded Israel. …

Mangi advanced out of the committee on an 11-10 party-line vote. His nomination now awaits a vote by the full Senate. …

What do you think of Adeel Abdullah Mangi? Share your prayers and scriptures about and for him below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: zimmytws via Canva Pro)

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