
Church Efforts in Burundi Contribute to Sustainable Peace Building Efforts

(Photo : Pixabay/kone kassoum)

Désiré Majambere, the Country Director for Burundi at Tearfund, discusses the crucial role that the Church plays in promoting long-term peace in Burundi and shares his experiences working towards dialogue, reconciliation, and relationship-building in the country.

For its Christmas campaign this year, Tearfund is raising funds to support efforts in Burundi, a nation working to recover from prolonged periods of violence and conflict

How the Church is Helping Burundi Move Forward from Conflict

Christian Today interviewed Majambere about the people’s experiences and how the country is moving forward. Désiré has spent more than 15 years assisting internally displaced persons in camps and has provided support to women who have lost their husbands, children who are orphaned, and individuals who lack necessities such as shelter, food, clothing, education, and healthcare. They have also encountered people who lost all their possessions, including their homes. She also stated that when there has been a conflict among people for a long time, it can lead to a high level of suspicion and strained relationships. It becomes difficult for individuals to trust and support one another. They may view each other as enemies, making it challenging to come together and have a conversation.

In Overturning all the suspicion, Désiré exclaimed that it takes significant time and effort to rebuild trust within communities. One effective method is community dialogue, which involves bringing people together to discuss their community’s issues. At Tearfund, they encourage individuals to see each other as fellow community members rather than enemies and work to create a space where they can come together and find sustainable solutions to shared problems. To facilitate this process, we have trained community peace champions to support and encourage dialogue.

The Church plays a significant role in Burundi, as religious leaders strongly influence their communities. Since most of the population is either Christian or Muslim, and there are churches throughout the country, it was essential to involve the Church in our efforts. We bring Christian and Muslim leaders together to understand the country’s situation better and explore ways in which they can positively impact politicians and decision-makers.

The collaboration between Christian and Muslim leaders was precious during the 2020 elections as they could promote a message of peace. As a result of their efforts, there was no violence during the elections, allowing people to return to Burundi rather than fleeing as refugees. Building relationships with these leaders took a long time, but it was worth it as they significantly impacted politicians and decision-makers. When church leaders are united, it can foster unity among country leaders.

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Refugees and the Life Ahead

Preach blog believed that the primary need of those returning to the country is peace and security, as many have been away for several years. Self-help and solidarity groups were formed to help the refugees feel secure and integrate into society. Some individuals returned with nothing, so financial assistance was provided, as well as land and guidance on cultivating various crops to support their families and generate income for things like healthcare and education for their children.

Christian Today asked: Do you think that Burundi has the potential to overcome its history of conflict and achieve long-term peace in the future? Désiré answered, “That is our hope and prayer. We want it to be a peaceful country where people feel safe to return and stay. But we aren’t just praying, we are also acting and doing the practical work of building a sustainable peace where people can live without fear and have a hope for the future.”

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