
Meta deletes Instagram post about event exposing dangers of transgenderism for ‘violating local law’  – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Meta deleted an advertisement for a speech exposing the dangers of transgenderism, claiming the post was “violating local law.” 

On June 6, feminist speaker Megan Murphy revealed that Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, removed an Instagram post advertising the event, which addressed the negative impacts of transgenderism in Canadian society.  

“Apparently this poster is illegal in Canada so share it everywhere,” Murphy posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.  

Meta defended its removal of the post by explaining that it had received a complaint regarding the event advertisement. 

“When governments believe content on Facebook or Instagram goes against local law, they may ask us to restrict the content,” Meta told Murphy.  

“We may also receive court orders to restrict content or reports alleging content is unlawful from non-government entities and members of the public,” the company continued.   

The event, held June 8 at Cowichan Community Centre in British Columbia, was titled: “Pushing Pride: When activism conflicts with women’s rights, gay rights [sic], and the safeguarding of kids.” 

“Lesbians are being told they must accept men as potential partners; kids are being taught that boys can be girls and girls can be boys; we are seeing adult entertainment offered to kids in the form of Drag Queen Story Hours and more; and women’s safety, interests, and rights have been pushed entirely to the wayside,” the event description continued.  

The description further warned of “potential harm for women and kids” due to transgenderism. 

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In addition to facing censorship from Meta for the event, Murphy revealed that all her Instagram accounts have since been suspended.  

“Instagram is currently banning every single one of my accounts for absolutely no reason,” she posted on June 9.  

“It looks like this account is associated with another account that has gone against our rules,” Meta wrote in a notice. “This doesn’t follow our Community Guidelines on account integrity and authentic identity.” 

In a later post, Murphy explained that she believes the suspension is because of her statements against transgenderism. 

“And of course by ‘no reason’ I mean men aren’t womennnnnnnnnn,” she wrote.   

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