
UN Approves U.S. Resolution for Ceasefire in Gaza

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) passed a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza in exchange for the release of hostages. Based on President Joe Biden’s ‘Three-phase proposal for durable peace in the Middle East,’ the ceasefire resolution was supported by 14 member-states, with Russia abstaining. The final text urges Israel and Hamas to implement the ceasefire terms immediately and unconditionally, indicating modifications were made to avoid vetoes from Russia or China.

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Hamas expressed willingness to cooperate with mediators on the ceasefire terms, while Israeli officials labeled the ceasefire resolution as “problematic.” The Israeli government contends that the resolution misrepresents its stance, emphasizing that a permanent ceasefire is contingent upon Hamas’s loss of control in Gaza and the dismantling of its military capabilities. The Biden administration aims for a complete end to the war in exchange for a gradual hostage release, which includes Palestinian prisoners.

The American resolution asserts that Israel accepted the ceasefire terms while also supporting a two-state solution and rejecting any territorial changes in Gaza. This is incorrect, however, as the resolution contradicts Prime Minister Netanyahu’s plan, which involves maintaining Israeli security control over Gaza post-war. U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield emphasized the vote for peace, though Israel’s Ambassador Gilad Erdan avoided the session, highlighting the discord between Jerusalem and Washington.

How Should We Pray about This Ceasefire Resolution?

This ceasefire resolution may sound nice, but it is not in Israel’s best interest. Hamas has claimed that it will repeat October 7 until Israel is destroyed. True peace in the Middle East cannot exist as long as groups like Hamas continue to threaten, attack, and target Israel.

Here’s how we recommend praying:

  • Pray for a biblical understanding of Israel. Pray for truth to overcome the many lies about Israel, the current war, and the motivations of Hamas.
  • Pray for victory. Pray that Israel would be victorious against the terrorists who seek to destroy it.
  • Pray for Jews. Antisemitism is increasing. Let’s pray that the Jewish people would turn to Christ in this dark time.

Add your own prayers about this ceasefire resolution below.

(Photo Credit: Mathias Reding from Unsplash)

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