
‘Historic and Glorious’ Revival Fire Spreads across Europe

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Revival fire is spreading across Europe, as evidenced by a gospel event in London last month that attracted over 70,000 people. The event led many to give their lives to Jesus Christ, experience healing, and witness deliverance. Evangelist Daniel Chand, pastor of Pragma Church and founder of Walking Like Jesus Ministries, led the event in Trafalgar Square on May 4th. He noted the historical and prophetic significance of the gathering, which saw numerous evangelists and pastors sharing testimonies, praying for the sick, and preaching the Gospel.

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Numerous testimonies of healing were reported amid this revival fire, including relief from back pain, arthritis, nerve pain, and macular degenerative disease. One notable testimony involved a woman who experienced the miraculous disappearance of a lump in her body. Walking Like Jesus Ministries celebrated the event on Instagram, proclaiming that God is actively working in the United Kingdom, healing the land, and pouring out His Spirit.

This revival fire in London is part of a broader movement across Europe, with similar events occurring in Paris and the Netherlands.

In Paris, the “March For Jesus in France” had more than 25,000 participants, while the 54th annual Opwekking Pentecost Conference in the Netherlands drew more than 63,000 attendees and 700,000 online participants. International evangelist Jean-Luc Trachsel highlighted this as evidence of a massive move of the Holy Spirit across Europe, bringing revival amidst darkness, war, and persecution. He wrote on Facebook that this movement is “already historic and glorious.”

Photo from Evangelist Daniel Chand/Walking Like Jesus Ministries

How Should We Pray about This Revival Fire?

Not only is God moving in America, but He’s also moving powerfully around the rest of the world. How should this news inform our prayers?

  • Thank God for His revival fire. The Lord is moving. Thank Him for this revival that is spreading across Europe!
  • Pray for revival in the United States. If God can move the hearts of hundreds of thousands across Europe, he can do the same thing in America. Pray that the revival fire would reach us as well!

Are you encouraged by this? Share your prayers of thanksgiving with us in the comments below.

(Photo Credit: Evangelist Daniel Chand/Walking Like Jesus Ministries)

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