
US election interference in Hungary? Viktor Orbán’s party performs much worse than expected – LifeSite

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

(Conservative Treehouse) — All political watchers will understand the number 1 EU political enemy of the World Economic Forum globalists and U.S./NATO State Department is Hungarian President Viktor Orbán. The western globalists, leftists, communists, and advocates of multinational corporations running government (i.e., fascists) consider Orbán their arch nemesis.

To wit, USAID and CIA operative Samantha Power has spent time organizing political opposition in Hungary. However, for some reason the nationalist alliance in alternative media does not have a good memory to keep track of the footprints and connect the dots; but we do.

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The reality of our State Department organizing political opposition in Hungary is not disputed. It was done openly.

Fast forward a year or more since Power, aka Mrs. Cass Sunstein, was on the ground in Hungary doing her color revolution activity, and what you see blazing across all leftist media headlines earlier this month is “Orban Invincibility Shattered as Hungarian Upstart Takes Off.” Hmmm, Suspicious Cat assembles notes.

(Bloomberg) – “Upstart politician Peter Magyar smashed Hungary’s image as a country with no alternative to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s rule by surging to second place in European Parliament elections.”

(Reuters) – “Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party was on track for its worst result in a national or EU vote in nearly two decades at Sunday’s European Parliament election, where a political newcomer trounced all other opposition parties.”

(Politico) – “Péter Magyar – a former ruling party insider-turned-rival – and his Tisza party scored 29.7 percent, with 99 percent of ballots counted. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz and its smaller allies scored 44.6 percent, significantly lower than polls had predicted.”

Do a little review and digging and you find Peter Magyar was inside Orbán’s party but stifled by him never leaving power. A classic career conundrum position. Then suddenly, something spurred Magyar to depart the party of Orbán and organize a fast (check timeline for synergy with Samantha Power in Hungary here) party in opposition: “A political newcomer, Magyar swooped into Hungarian politics earlier this year.”

Bingo presto… Power visits Hungary, Magyar departs Fidesz party and creates the Tisza party. “In a whirlwind campaign across Hungary, Magyar organized the biggest anti-government protests since Orbán’s return to power in 2010.”

What’s the wedge issue play?

This one is easy… money!

The EU is holding back billions owed to Hungary because the EU doesn’t like that Orbán refuses to maintain the Ukraine narrative as pushed by the State Department/NATO. Orbán talks too nicely about Russia and wants a peaceful solution to the fighting. As Reuters notes, “Orbán has roiled EU and NATO allies by maintaining close business ties with Russia even after its invasion of neighbouring Ukraine and by refusing to send weapons to Kyiv.”

From Bloomberg:

The EU continues to withhold about €20 billion ($22 billion) of funding earmarked for Hungary due to graft and rule-of-law concerns during Orbán’s 14-year rule, which has seen the once liberal, anti-communist leader morph into a far-right politician with close ties to Russia and China. He’s ruled by decree since the COVID-pandemic.

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Magyar says if he takes power, he can get the €20 billion back for Hungary, easy peasy.

I bet he can.

Orbán has been directly in the crosshairs of the Western alliance, specifically the EU and U.S. bureaucrats who use their power, position, and intelligence apparatus to manipulate foreign nations. Check the timeline for the creation of the opposition party and you will note USAID Administrator Samantha Power in Hungary openly discussing her seeding of NGO’s and political activist systems in order to generate another color revolution.

There you go….  That’s what is happening.

Follow the timeline. Magyar assembles his Tisza party, exactly after Samantha Power was in Hungary organizing political opposition to Viktor Orbán. This one is so transparent, it’s obvious.

Reprinted with permission from Conservative Treehouse.

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

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