
German soccer star playing at Euro 2024 says he was heavily pressured into taking COVID shot – LifeSite

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

(LifeSiteNews) — German soccer star Joshua Kimmich has said that he was pressured to take the experimental COVID shots.

In a documentary published by German state-funded media outlet ZDF, Kimmich, who is currently playing for Germany in the Euro 2024 tournament, recalled the immense pressure he was put under to take the jabs during the COVID crisis.

READ: The Telegraph admits COVID shots may have helped cause over 3 million excess deaths

At the end of 2021, Kimmich was heavily criticized for weeks by pro-COVID shot journalists, politicians, and doctors.

Kimmich said he was made the poster child of the unjabbed by the press and thus accused of being responsible for the alleged “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

The Bayern Munich player recalled that media members even showed up at his parents’ house and came to his grandfather’s funeral to cover the issue of Kimmich refusing the COVID injections.

“That was a really brutal time when you have friends who tell you that if you had been vaccinated, fewer people would have died,” Kimmich said in an interview while being on the verge of crying. “So a buddy told me that fewer people would have died if I had been vaccinated … and that’s brutal; if you don’t have a family, then that can break you.”

READ: Unvaccinated soccer stars ponder lawsuit after being quarantined, threatened with losing pay

“It was almost impossible to continue playing soccer without the vaccine,” the soccer star stated. “I was in quarantine for several weeks as a contact person without having had the coronavirus. It was also the case that Bayern (Munich) no longer paid me my salary, at least during the time I was in quarantine as a contact person.”

“Then you ask yourself the question: What are you going to do now?” he continued. “Do you get vaccinated, and then you can play soccer again, or do the concerns remain, and you sit at home for weeks and months … and at the end of the day, I got vaccinated.”

READ: NBA all-star Andrew Wiggins regrets submitting to COVID-19 shot despite winning championship

The soccer player also said that the trust in the management at Bayern Munich had been damaged due to them not respecting his initial decision to refuse the COVID shot.

Kimmich’s wife, who was also interviewed for the documentary, said that the constant media attacks “really got him down because it got very personal at times; it wasn’t fair anymore.”

Overwhelming evidence has shown that the experimental COVID injections have caused millions of deaths and serious injuries, and the dramatic recent pronouncement of a former Japanese government minister apologizing for such deaths attest to that.

READ: Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’

In addition to evidence of deaths and serious injuries due to the Covid jabs, it has furthermore been shown that the injections are ineffective in preventing the transmission of the virus.

Since the rollout of the Covid jabs, there has been a dramatic rise of young, previously healthy professional athletes collapsing on the field, with many of them suffering cardiac arrest.


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