
Morning Rundown: Tammy Hotsenpiller Teaches On Supernatural Breakthrough After 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting


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Tammy Hotsenpiller Teaches On Supernatural Breakthrough After 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

God’s design was never for you to live an ordinary life, only connecting with Him one day a week on Sunday’s. The body of Christ is meant to be bold and unashamed of the gospel, especially in an era where Christian values are mocked and looked at as less than. We sat down with Tammy Hotsenpiller to talk about living a supernatural life, fasting and prayer.

“I believe we, as the church today, are ashamed of our faith and weak to declare our testimony. I am sure I am pushing some buttons right now, but please hear me out,” Hotsenpiller says in an exclusive Charisma News interview.

In her book “Fasting For Miracles” Hotsenpiller says, “Are we so different from our Old Testament family? It doesn’t really matter what period of history you are in; Satan’s plan is the same: to bring fear and pride together at the same time.

Shawn Bolz Prophesies: God’s Is Revealing Plans to Help You Make Tough Decisions

God’s strategies and plans are coming to help you navigate the hard decisions you are making.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

I was praying for a politician this week who was going through one of the hardest decision making issues of her life and career. I saw a map fall in her lap giving her a third option that wasn’t on her table of choices. I didn’t tell her the vision but I said, “I feel like there is another option that isn’t on the table yet that God wants to show you.”

Does Amy Grant’s Hosting of a Gay Wedding Honor or Dishonor God?

Months ago, Joe Biden hosted a gathering with gay icon Elton John and 2,000 LGBTQ celebrants on the White House lawn. If I was invited, I would’ve attended to evangelize just as I have at 20+ other gay pride events.

In situations like this, it’s extremely important to discern God’s will. If I was a new convert, knew there’d be nudity, drugs and revelry, struggled with same sex attraction or if I was younger and prohibited by my parents, I wouldn’t go. Apart from a strategic LGBTQ outreach, could I envision ever hosting a homosexual/lesbian event at my church or on my property? I wouldn’t do it.

A news story recently stated that Amy Grant was hosting a niece’s gay wedding at her farm. I believe she’s doing this sincerely as a goodwill gesture but it’s generating understandable concern about its appropriateness and what it communicates. Having ministered with her in the past at “Jesus Festival” events, I know Grant is a loving person.

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