
Prayers for Afghans Are Being Answered! – Intercessors for America

God used IFA to save an Afghan family!

On Dec. 13, 2022, IFA posted the article, “Afghan Refugees Still Need Help and Hope.” This article featured Marty Angell’s work helping Afghans who aided the U.S. before the Taliban took over. We also prayed about it that day on Headline Prayer Live.

Our prayers bore fruit! Two days later, we received this text from Angell:

Top [department aiding the U.S. before the Taliban took over] husband/wife team under Taliban threat — who hid for 15 months moving from place to place — safely evacuated to [one of the few nations receiving Afghan refugees]!! Got the whole family out.

We thank God for this answered prayer!

Have you taken your place on the wall?

Thank you for keeping the targeted Afghans and their families in your prayers!

The Afghan family Angell was able to evacuate

Though this family is out of harm’s way, because the Chinese Communist Party is so heavily invested in Afghanistan, we hid their identities from facial-recognition software that could be used to locate them.

Another commenter, Penny, expressed concern that it is men who are being freed and not families: What I have trouble with throughout the Afghan rescue mission is, why is it so often the men who get out, leaving the women and children behind? Even in this article [Angell] speaks of getting two men out because being with their families it was no longer safe. 

Angell’s response gives us discernment in intercession: What happens is they [the Taliban] kill the fathers in front of the wife and kids and leave.  The men are often removed in order to get them out of harm’s way.  I have many women and children needing help right now.

So, we praise God and thank Him for the deliverance of the family pictured above, but we continue to pray for the many families and individuals still in danger.

Another way the Lord is at work through the article is that Dana M. posted this in the comments:

My son has a friend who is an Afghan…he is now in Pakistan trying to meet with the International Office in order to get him and his family to the U.S. He was very supportive with the Army base; this is how my son met him. We are friends on Facebook and we talk almost every day with the WhatsApp. If you can do anything to help them please let me know. The Taliban took his business and destroyed his home and has listed him as a spy for the U.S. He fears for his life. Please help.

IFA contributing writer Rich Swingle contacted Angell about Dana’s comment, and Angell wrote back:

The needs are very great. But I have been able to help through some very well-positioned friends’ critical help.

Let’s pray that this connection saves another life!

Post your prayers in the comments below.

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