
5 Ways to Make an Eternal Impact this Fall Season

Well, my friend, we made it. Fall is just around the corner, so I can officially say, “’Tis the season for pumpkin spice lattes, football games, and all things that glimmer and glow those deep muted shades of orange, red, and soft yellow.” Yes, please! Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, 

“To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heavens.” 

While I have yet to dig my pumpkins and fall decor out of the attic, that verse sits proudly on our coffee table, often catching my eye and softy whispering that a new season is on the horizon, and with it comes a plethora of new possibilities.

Whether you are a “fall lover” or prefer more of summer’s relaxed and lazy days, let me remind you that God is creating room for us to seize the moments and use our time wisely to make an eternal impact. While we live on this side of heaven, God has appointed a time for everything, and each season (including the seasons of our lives) holds a specific purpose. So, it begs the question, how will we make the most of our time and impact the kingdom of God?

Well, my dear friend, this is why I love the fall season so much! It practically extends a warm welcome to live our lives differently. Not only is that but there is also this tender invitation to pause and reflect on our lives. While that may trigger a mix of emotions where joy can easily clash with sorrow, it also reminds us that this life is temporary and our days matter, especially to our Heavenly Father.

So, as we see the leaves morph, change, and slowly drift to the ground, let’s use that beautiful unveiling to be a sweet calling to set our sights on the things above (Colossians 3:2). That said, are you ready to prepare your heart for this new autumn season and shift your mindset, seeking ways to make an eternal impact? I think I heard your heart whisper, “Yes!” 

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Andrea Piacquadio

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