
God’s Umbrella | Steve Williams – Blue Ridge Christian News

God’s Umbrella

By Steve Williams

Mitchell CountyPastor Steve Williams Mitchell County

God’s umbrella is His covenants He has made with His people. These covenants are designed to benefit His followers. Keeping the terms of the covenant allows us to prosper in all that we do. Covenants bring progress in our lives, and moving forward is clearly seen when we keep God’s covenant.

So, what is a covenant? Simply put, a covenant is a covering—like an umbrella. If we operate under God’s covenant or follow His Word, we will experience His power, position, provisions, and authority.

Think of it this way:

When it’s raining, and thunder and lightning fill the sky, you reach for an umbrella before stepping outside. Opening the umbrella and holding it over your head protects you from the rain. The umbrella doesn’t stop the rain, but it stops it from reaching you. It doesn’t change what’s happening around you, but it changes what’s happening to you.

In the same way, when we live under God’s covering—His covenant—the trials and challenges of life may not disappear. Yet, God covers us so that these difficulties do not impact us as they would without His protection. Being under God’s covenant is experiencing the protection of His covering.

Satan tries to keep us away from God’s covering.

Have you ever been caught in a storm without shelter? One of Satan’s goals is to lure us out from under the umbrella (the Lordship and covering) of Jesus Christ. If he can pull us away from Christ’s covering, Satan has free rein to deceive, trick, and harm us as he pleases. Under Christ’s covering, we are protected.

You can be saved but still live outside the covering of Jesus Christ. How is that possible?

Think back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They made a choice based on their desires instead of the wisdom and direction of God’s Word. They found themselves outside God’s covering, looking back into the garden. Failing to keep God’s covenant brought them pain and heartache. We must do all we can to remain under God’s umbrella.

Words of Wisdom:

  • “God operates the world by covenants. These covenants have specific jurisdictions and responsibilities, not to be infringed upon by another covenant.” —Tony Evans
  • “A covenant made with God should be regarded not as restrictive but as protective.” —Russell M. Nelson
  • “If one accepts the terms of the covenant and obeys God’s law, he or she receives the blessings associated with the covenant.” —Russell M. Nelson
  • “Don’t go out into the world without your umbrella (the covering of God).” —Steve Williams


Steve Williams is the pastor of Berry Chapel Baptist Church in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. You can read more good Christian news from Steve HERE.


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