
Review: Knowing the Spirit

Hinn’s discussion of “Spirit-filled worship” (Chapter 6) was my favourite part. Denouncing charismatic razzmatazz on one hand and hidebound conservatism on the other, Hinn calls for worship which is “lifestyle … every moment of every day” (108–109). Worship which prioritises truth and holiness and doesn’t shy away from sin. Best of all, worship that focuses on Christ: The Holy Spirit didn’t come to put the spotlight on us, he came to put the spotlight on Christ. That is where all spirit-filled worship begins and ends … he takes the minds, hearts, and attention of believers and shifts all the focus onto Christ … Spirit-filled worship honours the spirit by making much of Jesus Christ. (118)

Costi W. Hinn’s Knowing the Spirit is a wide-ranging, easy-to-read and eminently practical introduction to a doctrine of the Holy Spirit as well as a response to the modern charismatic movement that Costi grew up with.

Hinn brings a unique perspective to the charismatic/evangelical divide. As nephew to the famous faith healer Benny Hinn and former beneficiary of the prosperity network, he knows the movement’s excesses and its self-serving theological abuses from the inside. As a convert to reformed evangelicalism, he has also witnessed enough ignorance of the Spirit in the Christian mainstream.

Responding To Misconceptions

Hinn structures his book as a response to the problems he has observed. For those who see the Spirit as an impersonal force, he opens with a robust defence of the Trinity, insisting that the Spirit is both God and a Person to whom we owe worship, praise, prayer, and relationship (Chapter 1). Against shallow experientialism that hopes for guidance and transformation through mystical encounters (e.g. tongues-speaking, stirring worship), Hinn serves up a meatier biblical spirituality: the Spirit convicts us of our sins (Chapter 2); comes to give us new life, justifies us and helps us understand Scripture, live it out and stay Christians (Chapter 3).

Knowing the Spirit: Who He Is, What He Does, and How He Can Transform Your Christian Life

Costi W. Hinn

Whether intentionally or not, many Christians today seek health, wealth, and happiness by summoning the Holy Spirit like a genie to grant their wishes. When things don’t go the way they think they should, disappointment and disillusionment abound. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

In Knowing the Spirit, author, pastor, and speaker Costi Hinn shows you why a relationship with the Holy Spirit is the most important next step on your journey as a Christian. Using clear and sound interpretation of Scripture, Costi clarifies who the Holy Spirit is–and who he isn’t–and answers some of the most important and most frequently asked questions about him.

Zondervan. 272.

In the next chapters, Hinn attempts to correct some sub-biblical understandings of biblical concepts. In Chapter 4, the question, “What does it mean to walk by the Spirit?” leads to a detailed exploration of Galatians 5:16–17. Hinn steers readers away from legalism and sinful license to the new life Paul wants for us; a life of Spirit-empowered holiness.

In Chapter 5, Hinn turns to ideas of spiritual “baptism” and “filling”, showing that the former is not a “second blessing” but a “free, God-given experience that is always linked to conversion” (94). Spirit-filling, on the other hand, is an occasional event that “provides the empowerment of the Spirit to live a faithful and godly life each day” (100).

Leaving Some Wrinkles Untouched

I wasn’t always sure that Hinn did enough work on ironing out the wrinkles in these discussions. Here are three observations.

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