
Mike Pence’s think tank proves Kamala Harris is lying about late term abortions  – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A conservative think tank has exposed Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ lie that “nowhere in America is a woman carrying a pregnancy to term and asking for an abortion.” 

The memo published by Advancing American Freedom (AAF), a think tank founded by the former Trump administration Vice President Mike Pence in 2021, offers irrefutable evidence that “Democrats and the media continue to lie to the American people about late-term abortions,” even during a presidential debate.  

During Kamala Harris’ first presidential debate, moderator Linsey Davis lied to the American People when she stated that there ‘is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it is born.’ Meanwhile Harris claimed  that it’s ‘not true’ that abortions could be performed in the third trimester of pregnancy.

“Late-term abortions happen all the time,” continues the AAF statement. “Anyone saying otherwise is misinformed or lying. We must stand for life and confront the dark reality of abortion.” 

The memo cites the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) research showing that 0.9% of abortions — about 1 out of every 100 abortions — occur after 21 weeks, when a child is viable outside his or her mother’s womb, making late-term abortion “the second-greatest cause of death among minors.”  

Family Studies demographer Lyman Stone has explained that while abortions after 32 weeks are a very small share of total abortions – perhaps 0.5%, that would come to 5,000 third-trimester abortions, which, while a seemingly small number in isolation, would account for 2-in-10 homicides in the U.S. and be “second biggest cause of death among people under 18 (after congenital immaturity).” 

The government’s own statistics tell the gruesome story: “The CDC tabulated 625,978 legal induced abortions in the 48 states that report them,” noted a report by The Daily Signal’s Elizabeth Troutman Mitchell. “That means abortionists killed at least 5,600 babies who were at or beyond 21 weeks’ gestation that year.” 

Moreover, nine states and Washington, D.C. place no time limit on abortion.  

“A quick Google search turns up clinics here in DC that provide abortions up to 36 and 32 weeks,” explained Reason reporter Emma Camp in a recent X post 

The world was shocked to learn in 2022 that pro-life activists discovered “over 115 aborted children,” including five aborted children who were “extremely late term” and appeared to be “viable, premature people” being discarded as medical waste at a Washington, D.C. abortion mill.  

READ: Left-wing nun downplays evil of abortion during virtual ‘Catholics for Harris’ event

Democrats have long supported late term abortion, even after birth 

The AAF memo cited an appalling admission by Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam — a pediatric neurologist — in 2019 that he supports infanticide of babies after failed abortion attempts: 

The infant would be delivered; the infant would be kept comfortable; the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desire, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. 

The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro called Northam’s proposal “pure evil.” 

“Northam is specifically talking about delivering an infant alive and then asking the mother whether the infant should live or not. This is not an argument about the morning-after pill. It’s not an argument over whether a fetus feels pain. This is a statement that a fully-formed infant, born alive, ought to be murdered if the mother says the infant ought to be murdered,” wrote Shapiro.  

Northam’s comments were prompted by an exchange the previous day during a Virginia House subcommittee hearing about a proposed bill allowing abortion up until the moment of birth.  The bill’s chief proponent admitted that the measure would permit aborting babies even as a mother had begun dilating.  

When asked, “How late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion?” delegate Kathy Tran, a Democrat from Northern Virginia replied, “Through the third trimester.” She added: ” The third trimester goes all the way up to forty weeks.” 

“Where it’s obvious a woman is about to give birth?” asked Delegate Todd Gilbert, the chairman of the subcommittee. Even when “she has physical signs that she is about to give birth?” he Gilbert.  “She’s dilating?”  

“My bill would allow that, yes,” responded Tran. 

The AAF memo noted that “Extreme abortion practices are real and well-documented”: 

  • Warren Hern, a late-term abortionist, received a glowing profile in the LA Times. 
  • Hern speaks candidly about performing sex-selective abortions on multiple occasions, ending the life of a baby girl because the mother preferred a boy (and vice versa). 
  • Hern estimates that at least half of the abortions he performs involve healthy babies. 
  • Let’s Not Forget About Kermit Gosnell: Philadelphia’s most infamous abortionist was convicted of murder in 2013 for slitting the necks of babies born alive. 

Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris has used her powerful position as both U.S. Senator and Vice President to protect the late-term abortion industry.  

She voted against advancing the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in 2019, which calls for medical assistance for babies who survive abortion attempts. She also voted against advancing the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in 2020.  

The AAF is not alone in challenging the lies of Kamala Harris, Democrats, and the media concerning the pervasiveness of late term abortion in the U.S.   

Heritage Foundation Vice President Roger Severino, former Trump spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany, and scores of other journalists have noted that Democratic lawmakers across the U.S. have technically voted for abortion up to and even after birth and that Walz and Harris are in favor of that policy.   

LifeSiteNews’ Calvin Freiburger provided an excellent analysis of the lies about late-term abortions and infanticide promoted during the recent presidential debate.  

READ: Baby survives attempted abortion in Indiana, state health department reports

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